By Brother R.
Michel Lankford
In This Study:
- God’s Word is Truth - it defines WHAT TRUTH IS.
- God’s Word sets us apart - it SANCTIFIES believers.
- What Paul TESTIFIED that he BELIEVED and DID, and DID NOT DO.
As it is written:
"Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.” (John 17:17, NKJV)
FACT: Shortly before Jesus
Christ the Son of the living God died to make atonement for our sins, He
specifically prayed to the Almighty Heavenly Father, asking His Father, to
SANCTIFY the disciples.
FACT: Notice that Messiah DID
NOT SAY, Father, sanctify them by the words I speak, but
Messiah specifically asked the Heavenly Father to SANCTIFY them by the FATHER'S
Word. We will deal with the huge significance of that statement
momentarily, but please remember it.
FACT: To SANCTIFY- (hagiazō- Greek Strong's #39). It means to be dedicated and devoted
as loyal; to be set apart as holy; belonging to Almighty God; and also for
special service.
Q: So, according to
Messiah HIMSELF, by WHAT MEANS, and by WHAT method were the disciples to be
SANCTIFIED; dedicated and devoted as loyal; belonging to the Creator?
Q: So, according to
Messiah HIMSELF, by WHAT MEANS, and by WHAT method were the disciples to be
SANCTIFIED; What vehicle so to speak, would the Almighty use to set the
disciples apart as belonging to Him, and also for special service?
A: Of course, according to Messiah HIMSELF, The central thing that set the
disciples apart as dedicated, as loyal; the very thing that guaranteed that the
disciples were set apart as belonging to Yahweh, and were commissioned for
special service, was the CREATOR'S WORD. That is what Messiah SAID.
DILEMMA: Since the Creator's Word is what
sanctified the disciples; since the Creator's Word is what dedicated and
devoted the disciples as being loyal and belonging to Yahweh Almighty; since
the Creator's Word, is what set the disciples apart as belonging to Yahweh, and
it's also the Creator's Word which commissioned and set them apart for special
service, then IF the Creator's Words were actually done away with at the
cross, as most Christians are mistakenly taught to believe, then that means
that the sanctification of the disciples would also have to have been done away
with at the cross.
Was the sanctification of the apostles
done away with at the cross?!
No way!
Since the Word of Yahweh is what
sanctified the disciples, if the Word of Yahweh was done away with at the
cross, then that would mean that the disciples were no longer dedicated as
belonging to Yahweh after the cross! That's impossible. Our violations of the
Word were done away with at the cross, but God's ETERNAL Word COULD NOT be done
away with, as most Christians mistakenly believe today.
DILEMMA: Messiah gave us a CLEAR definition of
what truth is, even in the New Testament.
Messiah clearly tells us that the WORD of the CREATOR, IS TRUTH. Since
God's Word Is Truth, then any apostle who would be teaching people not to obey
God's Word, would NOT be TELLING you the TRUTH by definition.
So when Christians misinterpret and
misunderstand Paul's writings, and they claim that Paul the apostle taught
people to ignore, to disobey, and to do the OPPOSITE of what God's Word
specifically tells us to do,
then without realizing it, they are literally claiming that Paul taught
against the truth. That's not possible. We must have misunderstood
Paul somewhere. If he is a legitimate apostle, then Paul could not have taught
against the established Word of God, because that would be coming against the
truth, by definition.
Any apostle that would speak opposite
or contrary to Yahweh's Word, would be coming against the very thing that
sanctified them and set them apart in the first place! If they went against
God's Word, according to Messiah's own definition, they would also be coming
against the very thing that set them apart to serve, at the same time.
A Mark of Apostleship
it is written:
“I assure you: A slave is NOT greater than his master, and a messenger is not
greater than the one who sent him.” (John
13:16, HCSB- with emphasis)
FACT: Depending on the
translation of Scripture which you use, Paul SPECIFICALLY referred to himself
as a servant, a slave, a bondservant or a messenger for Jesus Christ at least
12 times throughout his letters.
FACT: the word (APOSTLE
Greek Strong's #693-apostolos); it most precisely means one who is sent
with a message.
FACT: According to Jesus Christ the Messiah
Himself, the messenger who is sent with the message is NOT greater, then the
one who sent him to deliver that message. Since Jesus is the one who sent Paul
with the message, then Paul CANNOT rightly OVERRIDE or OVERRULE what Jesus
Christ has already said, according to what we just read.
Jesus had already specifically SAID
that Lawlessness - ANOMIA would NOT ENTER the Eternal Kingdom (Matthew
Jesus had already said that Lawlessness
- ANOMIA will be condemned to the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth on the
Day of Judgment (Matthew 13:41-42).
Jesus had already said that those who
persevere and overcame Lawlessness - ANOMIA would be saved (Matthew 24:12-13).
Please remember and do not forget,
according to the original languages, this is what Lawlessness - ANOMIA
literally means:
1. The condition of being without Law
2. Being ignorant of the Law
3. Violating/ Breaking the Law
4. Having contempt for the Law
5. "To be destitute or in violation
of the Mosaic or Jewish Law“ A.KA. Illegality; iniquity; to break, transgress
or walk in violation of the Law- (see also 1 John 3:4).
(See Thayer's and Strong's Lexicons. So
we have two New Testament dictionaries specifically defining lawlessness in the
same manner)
DILEMMA: Jesus Christ the Messiah already said that those who practice the above
concepts, (Lawlessness - ANOMIA, and those who cause other people to stumble
into the above concepts will be CONDEMNED, then how could a servant
and messenger of Jesus Christ rightly preach that the same things which Jesus
condemns is allegedly now the new definition of what it means to live under
God's grace?!
If Paul took concepts which Jesus
condemns and he declared that what Jesus already condemns is now the new
definition of grace, Paul would be overriding and overruling the One who sent
him to deliver the message. By Messiah's own definition that would mean that
Paul would be undermining his own apostleship.
Since Jesus already said that those who
cause others to stumble into ANOMIA - Lawlessness, will be condemned to the
place of weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:41-42), IF Paul promoted doing the opposite of
Yahweh's Laws commandments and instructions, as most Christians mistakenly
believe that Paul was teaching, then according to Messiah's own definition,
Paul would be CONDEMNED. In that case, Paul would not even be saved according
to Messiah, let alone a legitimate apostle!
My contention is that PAUL COULD NOT
POSSIBLY have been teaching people to do away with the Laws Commandments
and Instructions which Yahweh Almighty gave to Moses, because that is the very
definition of what Jesus said WOULD NOT enter the Father's Kingdom, it will be
CONDEMNED to the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, therefore by
definition; doing the OPPOSITE of Yahweh's Laws Commandments and Instructions,
CANNOT truly be Grace. It cannot be what Paul was teaching to be grace, because
then Paul would be contradicting what Jesus already said, and by definition he
would be undermining his own apostleship at the same time. We must therefore be
misreading and misunderstanding Paul's meanings in some way.
Paul Himself DENIED Teaching AGAINST the Law
FACT: It's a reality that most Christians are
unaware of, and some blissfully ignore, but the biblical fact is that Paul
HIMSELF DENIED that He was teaching against Yahweh's Laws
Commandments and Instructions. In the book of Acts , Paul SAID
he was NOT teaching against the Law:
Acts 25:7-10
See Acts 28:17-21
Acts 24:14-16
Paul SAID:
"I have committed no offense either against the Law of the Jews
or against the temple or against Caesar.”
“I have done no wrong to the Jews”
“I had done nothing against
our people or the customs of our fathers”
"I worship the
God of my fathers,
believing all things which are written in the
Law and in the Prophets."
“I always strive to have a
conscience without offense toward God and men.”
and do not forget that Paul made these statements long after the death and
resurrection of Messiah.
IF Paul was truly teaching that
believers in Messiah could now BREAK and not keep YAHWEH’S ETERNAL Laws &
Commandments “under Grace,” then EVERY ONE of the statements Paul made shown
above would be a LIE.
I firmly believe that Paul the apostle was NOT teaching that the Grace of God
means that we can now do the OPPOSITE of Yahweh's Laws Commandments and
instructions given to Moses. I believe Paul was NOT teaching against the Law,
partly because HE SAID he wasn't.
Paul specifically SAID, "I worship
the God of my fathers, BELIEVING ALL THINGS which are
WRITTEN in the Law and in the Prophets." That's what Paul SAID he
believed. Now, either Paul was telling the truth about what he believed or he
was lying. Those are the only two options.
Beloved, either Paul told the TRUTH or
he did not. Either Paul told the truth, when he said that he worshipped the God
of his fathers, and that he BELIEVED EVERYTHING that is written in the law and
the prophets, or he didn't really believe that anymore, and he was lying when
he said he believed something which he did no longer believe.
For example, if Paul the apostle was
telling the truth, if he in fact was BELIEVING ALL THINGS which is written in
the Law and the prophets, then he still believed that Isaiah 40:8 was true:
As it is written:
The grass withers, the flower fades,
But the word of our God stands forever.” (Isaiah 40:8, NKJV)
Paul still believed EVERYTHING written in the Law and the prophets, as Paul
said he did, then Paul believed that Yahweh's Word stands FOREVER. By
definition, if Paul believed EVERYTHING which is written in the law and the
prophets as he said he believed, then he COULD NOT have believed that
Yahweh's Laws Commandments and Instructions given to Moses were abolished at the
cross, because something that stands FOREVER cannot
be abolished by definition.
8:1 specifically says
that rebelling against Yahweh's Torah, (His Law), is rebellion and sin. If Paul
believed everything that is written in the prophets as he said that he
believed, that means that he believed that rebelling against the Torah of
Yahweh is sin. That means according to what Paul SAID HE BELIEVED, if Paul was
teaching people to disobey or disregard, or to do the opposite of Yahweh's
Torah, then he would be teaching people to rebel and to sin, according to his
own testimony.
9:11 specifically says
that transgressing against Yahweh's Torah, (His Law), is the biblical
definition of sin. IF Paul believed everything that is written in the Law
and the prophets, as Paul claimed to believe, then Paul believed that
transgressing Yahweh's Torah is the definition of sin. According to Paul's own
stated beliefs, IF Paul was truly teaching people, to do the opposite of
Yahweh's Laws Commandments and Instructions in the Torah, then Paul would be
teaching people to do what he said that he believed to be sin, according to his
own testimony.
Many Christians MISTAKENLY believe that
in Romans 14, Paul the apostle was supposedly teaching that maintaining the
biblical Sabbaths did not matter anymore because of Christ. However, Paul
specifically said that he believed EVERYTHING which is written in the Law and
in the prophets.
22:26-31 specifically teaches
that failing to keep Yahweh's Sabbaths as being holy and set apart is part of
what causes God's people to PROFANE the LORD.
So according to Paul's own stated
beliefs, if Paul was teaching believers to disregard the biblical Sabbaths in
Romans 14, (as most Christians mistakenly believe that Paul was teaching), then
he would also be teaching people to PROFANE the LORD, by his own testimony. I
say that based on what Paul SAID that he believed.
5:20-24 specifically teaches that If a person
takes a concept which Almighty God has already identified to be evil, and they
call that same concept good which God
calls evil, they invite God's wrath judgment and punishment.
If Paul was telling the truth, and he
believed everything which is written in the Law and in the prophets, then by
definition he could not take a concept which Yahweh identified to be sin, and
call that same concept, "The new definition of Grace." If Paul was
truly teaching that disobeying or doing the OPPOSITE of Yahweh's Laws
Commandments and Instructions, is now grace because Jesus died, then in that
case, Paul did not truly believe that Isaiah 5:20-24; Ezekiel 22:26-31;
Daniel 9:11; Isaiah 40:8, is true
anymore; (not to mention making countless other Scriptures meaningless).
In that case Paul would have been LYING
when he SAID that he believed EVERYTHING that is written
in the law and in the prophets.
Beloved of God, Christians cannot have
it both ways. Paul specifically said that he believed EVERYTHING which is written
in the Law and in the prophets. He specifically said that he did NOTHING against
the customs of his fathers. So IF Paul was teaching people AGAINST KEEPING
Yahweh’s Laws Commandments and Instructions given to Moses, in that case, Paul
would clearly be LYING, about what he said he believed and what he said he did
and did not do.
If Paul truly believed EVERYTHING which
is written in the Law and the prophets; if Paul truly did nothing to offend the
customs of his fathers, as Paul claimed, then by definition Paul COULD NOT
POSSIBLY have been teaching against keeping Yahweh’s Laws Commandments and
Instructions, regardless of what we have
been trained to believe that Paul was teaching.
By his own testimony, he was not
teaching that. Assuming Paul told the truth, we clearly must have misunderstood
Paul when we interpret his epistles as if Paul was teaching us to do something
opposite of what Paul SAID he believed.
Please keep this crucial concept in
mind as we continue to study Paul’s writings more closely in the coming days.
Brother R Michel Lankford
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