Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This Is Eternal Life

MOST False Doctrines would not have any fighting chance at all if we were truly careful  to keep and maintain the CREATOR'S Definition for all our key terms and principles. There is perhaps  no term of greater importance then that of Eternal Life. Come, Let's truly look at Eternal Life,  as Jesus Christ, (Yeshua the Messiah), defined the term.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Am a Friend of God's?

This video is part teaching and part testimony. It tells the story of how a fresh encounter with the Heavenly Father challenged my paradigms, and changed my internal dictionaries so radically that I never looked at Scripture, at my life, or at myself and my purpose quite the same way ever again. Please join me as I share this part of my story. Thanks.

Monday, August 11, 2014

A Prayer in Entering His Word


Some people have mentioned that they enjoy some of my prayers. So I thought that I would offer this one. It's ONE example of a prayer that often use when I am about to read or study Scripture. I hope that it blesses and encourages you as it does me when I pray like this. Be Blessed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Grace to be Diligent

Are all works of obedience to Scripture truly a"Lack of Grace?" Believe it or not, a growing number of free grace preachers and teachers are teaching that if a believer puts forth any effort into physically obeying and doing what Scripture says to do, then supposedly that person is no longer walking in grace, but they are walking outside of grace, because they are committing "Works." 

Whether they want to admit it or not, the free grace preachers and teachers of modern Christianity have actually turned grace on its ear. They have turned obeying God into a sin, and they are claiming that disobeying God is a work of grace. 

I believe that it is the responsibility of anyone who loves the truth to oppose lies wherever they find them. 

The truth is that the true biblical Grace of God, EMPOWERS us to OBEY the Creator. Grace does NOT give us a license to disobey the Creator. I believe the true grace gives us the power and ability to follow Biblical Instructions. 

True grace does NOT permit us to DISOBEY the King, while we claim the rights and benefits of HIS Kingdom.

I believe the true grace gives us the power and ability to be diligent. Grace does not excuse us from the requirement to be diligent.