Saturday, February 1, 2014

How Can What God and Christ Has Called Sin and Lawlessness also Be Grace?

By brother R Michel Lankford

If you ask most people in modern-day Christianity what they believe that 'GRACE' means, most of them will give you answers like this:

They will give you answers like, "We don't have to keep the Law that Yahweh gave to Moses anymore, because we are "under grace." Or we don't have to do the Commandments that Yahweh gave to Moses anymore because of Jesus Christ, because we are "Under Grace," Since Jesus died.

The HUGE problem is that if you look carefully at THEIR typical definition for GRACE, you will find that the definition which most people use for Grace today, actually FITS the BIBLICAL DEFINITION for SIN and LAWLESSNESS.



Greek Strong’s # 458-459 –(ANOMIA)

    1. The condition of  being without Law
    2. Being ignorant of the Law
    3. Violating/ Breaking the Law
    4. Having contempt for the Law
    5. "To be destitute or in violation of the Mosaic or Jewish Law“ A.KA. Illegality; iniquity; to break, transgress or walk in violation of the Law- (see also 1 John 3:4)

(See Thayer's and Strong's Lexicons)

You see the problem don't you?!

The condition of being without Yahweh's law CANNOT be the definition of Grace!

Why?! Because the Bible (in the original languages), has already identified that same condition as being Lawlessness  and SIN.

The condition of being Ignorant or ignoring Yahweh's law CANNOT be the definition of Grace!

Why?! Because the Bible (in the original languages), has already identified that same condition of Ignoring Yahweh's Law, as being Lawlessness  and sin.

Breaking or doing the opposite of Yahweh's Laws Commandments and Instructions CANNOT be the definition of Grace!

Why?! Because the Bible (in the original languages), has already identified that same condition Breaking Yahweh's Law, as being Lawlessness  and sin.

A lot of Christians mistakenly believe that we can now PURPOSEFULLY disregard the Law that Yahweh gave to Moses because Jesus died at the cross, so they say that we don't have to pay attention to what God said to Moses anymore.

That sounds okay because people thoroughly MISINTERPRET things that Paul wrote. The problem is, that having contempt for and disregarding Yahweh's Commandments is part of the biblical definition of Lawlessness and Sin- even in the New Testament.

"To be destitute or in violation of the Mosaic or Jewish Law“ CANNOT be the TRUE definition of GRACE, as most Christians mistakenly believe when they misread and misunderstand Paul's writings.

Why?! Because the Bible (in the original languages) has already identified that same condition of violating or being destitute of the Mosaic Law, as being LAWLESSNESS and SIN- even in the New Testament.

You see the problem don't you? The majority of traditional modern-day Christianity has taken the BIBLICAL Definition of Sin and Lawlessness, and they have misidentified it and mislabeled it to be GRACE.

Something which God's word has already identified to be SIN and LAWLESSNESS CANNOT be the TRUE definition of what it means to be under grace.

MESSIAH has SAID 3 TIMES that LAWLESSNESS and those who practice lawlessness (Same Greek Word ANOMIA), WILL NOT Inherit the Kingdom of Heaven.

Matthew 7:21-23
Matthew 13:41-42
Matthew 24:12-13

Now here is a question that most Christians are not asking, and they should. Regardless of what we might MISUNDERSTAND about what Paul said concerning keeping Yahweh's Law;

Can something which Jesus already said WILL BE CONDEMNED on the future Day of Judgment; can that same concept truly be Grace?  NO WAY!!

No matter how much our sinful nature and our religious traditions may wish to believe that going outside of Yahweh's Commandments is a work of Grace, since Messiah already said that CAUSING people to stumble into Lawlessness - ANOMIA, will be CONDEMNED to the place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, (Matthew 13:41–42), then teaching people that they need NOT learn and KEEP Yahweh's Laws Commandments and Instructions, CANNOT be a work of GRACE.

I mean truly, a Christian who claims that Jesus Christ is their Lord and Savior SHOULD honestly care about what Jesus says, will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Since Jesus says that LAWLESSNESS (ANOMIA) will not enter or be allowed to remain in the Eternal kingdom of heaven, the Christian should take that seriously. Since Jesus said that lawlessness will not inherit the kingdom of heaven, we should BELIEVE HIM, and adjust our thinking and definitions accordingly, because HE should know, if anyone does.

Modern-day traditional Christianity has taken a concept which Jesus Christ himself has said will be condemned on the Last Day of Judgment, and they have taken that same concept, and they have redefined it as being GRACE.

Something which Jesus says will be CONDEMNED on the Last Day, obviously CANNOT be God's grace at work in our lives.

Beloved, I am not trying to overwhelm you. This is a crucial concept that I don't want you to miss, because something which Jesus says will be condemned on the last day, CANNOT truly be grace, regardless what we may have been trained to believe.

In future days we will be talking about the things that the apostle Paul has said concerning these things.

Brother Michel Lankford

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