Understanding What Legalism Is, and What It Is NOT
By Brother R Michel Lankford
Even the most passionate free grace teachers and advocates,
if they are honest, must admit that the term legalism, and specific warnings
against legalism in those actual terms, does NOT exist in Scripture at all.
So, right off the bat, we need to realize that the concept of legalism has been
invented by human beings to define what THEY have pieced together from various
parts of Scripture, (mixed with their own traditions), and what THEY personally
believe Scripture allegedly INTENDS to say. Why do I make this distinction
upfront? I do so because most of the people who argue against legalism are from
the very foundation of their argument speaking about human terminology, and rightly divided Scripture often times is not the foundation of their basis for debate. It’s often humanism
disguised as Christianity.
Legalism in simple everyday English
At its core, legalism is the belief that one will somehow
EARN or GAIN Eternal Salvation by keeping rules. This can be an effort to earn
or gain salvation either by keeping man-made religious rules, or by keeping
rules which were legitimately given by the Creator. That is the definition of
legalism at its lowest common denominator. I keep a set of rules, and keeping those rules is what CAUSES me to EARN or to GAIN Eternal Salvation. There are a lot of other dynamics
that we could take many pages to discuss, but obeying rules in order to earn or
to gain Eternal Salvation is the common thread.
Two Main Types of Legalism
Institutionalized Legalism
Crucial examples of institutionalized legalism would have to
include such a religious organization as Roman Catholic churches Episcopalian
and Lutheran churches, (as well as some other lesser-known organizations. The
reason that these qualify as institutionalized legalism is because each one of
these churches has a strong hierarchy which all have long-established religious
rules, and it is believed by many that obeying these man-made religious rules
and traditions can actually cause an individual to be saved. For example, there
are some people who believe that if their children are baptized in the Lutheran
Church that eternal salvation is confirmed to that child because they were
baptized as an infant in the particular church organization. This was a
man-made rule which was carried over from the Roman Catholic Church, but it has
NO basis in biblical fact whatsoever.
Sometimes people are so convinced that
the Almighty’s blessings rest upon the particular organization, that some will sincerely believe that even if these
religious rules disobey Scripture, that the Heavenly Father will supposedly still
accept a person who disobeys Scripture for the sake of obeying their institutions
religious rules, because supposedly the Almighty’s blessings rest upon the
institution and the authority of the clergy to confer the Creator’s blessings
upon those who adhere to the institution. That’s one form of legalism; obeying
institutionalized religious rules to gain or to earn salvation.
Another example of institutionalized legalism would be such
denominational rules as, “If you have musical instruments in your churches, you
are going to hell because, there is no example of musical instruments being
used in the New Testament, so therefore there should be no musical instruments in
church. That is utter NONSENSE. That is a man-made religious rule which is
NOWHERE in Scripture whatsoever. That is another example of institutionalized
legalism; trying to obey man-made religious rules, to earn or gain salvation.
In reality, even the so-called New Testament clearly tells us that we are to
use ALL Scripture in forming our doctrine, (2 Timothy 3:14-17); NOT just the
New Testament, but ALL of Scripture. There is no telling how many heresies we
would prevent if we just kept the biblical instruction. The largest book in all
of Scripture, (the book of Psalms), is dedicated to giving instructions to the
musicians on how to worship in the sanctuary.
or Individualized Legalism
Personal or individualized legalism is a little bit
trickier. That’s because the individualized rules that Christians can use to
regulate their lives and behaviors might partially in fact be based upon a true
and Biblical Commandment, (or some rule that someone sincerely believes to be
in Scripture, but it’s not; or they may have misunderstood what that Scripture
actually says. Nevertheless, this person believes that by obeying certain
particular rules, (whether in Scripture or not), will cause them to be saved
and to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Notice that in either case, when the person
is involved in institutionalized legalism or individualized personal legalism, both sectors are dependent upon their
obedience to particular sets of rules in an effort to earn or to gain their Eternal
The Same Outfit in Different Colors
Whether one is walking in institutionalized legalism,
(depending upon observing the rules and traditions of an institution), to cause
one’s salvation, or whether one is depending upon keeping one’s personal
understanding of a Biblical rule or Commandment or other traditions to CAUSE one’s salvation; at its
core, BOTH forms of legalism, are exactly the SAME; the belief that HUMAN effort, and HUMAN obedience will ultimately CAUSE a person to be saved. In either form of legalism, the
ultimate dependency is on human flesh, and not upon Yahweh Almighty, nor upon
the life, the instructions, the debt or the resurrection of the Messiah to
bring salvation. The ultimate question is; upon what are you depending to CAUSE
your salvation? If we are depending on human flesh and human effort to save us,
(whether institutional or personal), we are under a curse:
As it is written:
Thus says YHWH, “Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind And
makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from YHWH. “For he will be
like a bush in the desert And will Not see when prosperity comes, But will live
in stony wastes in the wilderness, A land of salt without inhabitant. “Blessed
is the man who trusts in YHWH And whose trust is YHWH.” - (Jeremiah 17:5–7, NASB95; with the Biblical Name of the
Creator re-inserted).
Trying to Prevent Legalism through Lawlessness
I was doing things around the apartment one day, and had the
TV on in the background. I suddenly heard an advertisement that stopped me dead
in my tracks. There was a commercial for a pharmaceutical product that would
prevent yellowing toe fungus. What shocked me was at the end of the ad; it said,
‘In some cases this product causes liver cancer and DEATH.’ Are you kidding me;
SERIOUSLY?! I’ll pay you a ton of money for this medicine. It can cause
permanent liver damage, cancer, and I might even die from complications of this
medicine, but I will look much better if I should happen to wear sandals at the
beach. That’s insane!
Or please consider these riddles for a moment…
Let’s say that a patient should enter a hospital with a
severe case of influenza. Would it be good and sound and ethical medical practice
to kill the patient and to euthanize him so that he does not develop cancer?
Could that hospital legitimately advertise that they help prevent cancer among
their patients?!
Or, a driver is driving on a narrow steep and treacherous
road with sheer cliffs on either side. Is it better for the car and driver to
plunge to his death falling off of the LEFT side of the cliff, or would it be
better for the car and driver to plunge to his death falling on the RIGHT side
of the cliff?
Notice that in both our scenarios, every option presented caused the same result. The patient dies of influenza, or he is killed and euthanized in hopes he won't develop cancer, but he still dies. Whether our driver pledges to his death
on the right side of the steep cliff, or on the left side of the cliff, the end
result is the same. The driver dies.
Modern Protestant evangelical Christianity has fallen into
the same type of scenario. It’s a deadly trap.
Modern Christianity has become
so deathly afraid of, ‘Legalism’ that they have often promoted lawlessness as
the alleged cure for legalism. According to many in modern Christianity the
supposed cure for legalism, is to get rid of every biblical Commandment.
According to many, Christians should not try to obey anything instructed in
Scripture, because that leads to works righteousness and to legalism, and the
way to avoid legalism is supposedly to actively and to purposely DISOBEY
Biblical instructions, so that you do not try to become righteous by your works
of obeying Scripture. That’s killing the influenza patient on purpose to
prevent the possibility that he might develop cancer. That’s the driver
intentionally driving off of the left side of the cliff on purpose, in order to
ensure that he might not accidentally drive off of the cliff on the right side.
In an effort to avoid works righteousness legalism modern
Christianity has opted to teach that Christians should actively DISOBEY the
Creator’s instructions on purpose.
In an effort to make sure that I am not
trying to become righteous by my own human efforts of keeping the Creator’s
Commandments; let’s BREAK YHWH’s Commandments on purpose, because I’m, “Under
Grace.” If we think about it carefully, works righteousness legalism;(trying to
EARN or to GAIN salvation by obeying the rules), is the RIGHT side of the sheer
cliffs. Purposely DISOBEYING a Biblical instruction; that’s LAWLESSNESS, that
is the LEFT side of the sheer deadly cliffs. Lawlessness, (walking outside of
YHWH’s Laws Commandments and Instructions is GUARANTEED Eternally FATAL; (Matthew 7:21; Matthew 13:41-42).
Driving off the cliff on either side is equally deadly. The solution is to
learn to keep the car on the road and not drive off either the right side of
the cliffs or the left.
Learning to Keep the Car on the Road
Messiah SAID: “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the
gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go
in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to
life, and there are few who find it”; (Yeshua; the Messiah; Matthew 7:13-14; NKJV)
Messiah said that the gate is narrow and that the way is strait; (literally
tight or constricted) which leads to life; Messiah wasn’t kidding. He was
As a side note, Matthew 7:13-14
should be enough to convince anyone who uses the brains and common sense
that YHWH gave them, that Lawless Grace; Works Free Grace; Obedience Free
Grace; Obey Nothing but claim faith in Jesus type of Grace; this is NOT and
this CANNOT POSSIBLY be the STRAIT and NARROW path that leads to Life. Way too many modern
Christians get swept up into that. That is a very BROAD and popular way to
travel through life, while you claim to believe Christ. It’s obviously NOT the
narrow path.
- Obeying man-made religious rules believing that this will CAUSE your salvation; (THAT’S LEGALISM).
- Trying to obey Yahweh’s Commandments without Messiah; believing that our obeying apart from Messiah will CAUSE your salvation; THAT’S LEGALISM.
- Rejecting and refusing Yahweh’s Commandments; doing the OPPOSITE of what Yahweh’s Commandments requires you to do, because you think that’s what living in HIS Grace means; that’s LAWLESSNESS; that’s INSANE; that’s Eternal SUICIDE, (Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 13:41-42; 1 John 3:4; Isaiah 5:20-24).
- Becoming born-again and getting saved by grace through faith in YHWH, and in Messiah which YHWH has sent FIRST, and THEN progressively learning, practicing and DOING the Commandments of Yahweh AFTER receiving the gift of salvation; that’s NOT LEGALISM. That is RIGHTEOUSNESS (Romans 6:19; Ezekiel 36:25-27). That’s DISCIPLESHIP (Matthew 28:19-20). That is LOVING Yahweh (1 John 5:3). That’s BIBLICAL Living. That is REQUIRED, (e.g. 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1).
We must learn the CRITICAL difference. It’s a life-and-death
So What Part Does the Law Rightly Play in the Life of Believers?
simple terms, YHWH’s Law, CANNOT CAUSE, and
it does NOT CAUSE your salvation, but lawless grace, (which is counterfeit
grace) will not save you either. The key is to understand the real and
essential part which the Creator’s Laws, Commandments, and His Instructions accomplishes
within the life of an individual AFTER they are saved by Grace through Faith in
YHWH and in Messiah.
The Law
CANNOT CAUSE your salvation, but Yahweh’s Torah DOES train and DISCIPLE you
AFTER you are saved by Grace through Faith.
children DO NOT first obey a Father in order to BECOME that Father's Child. Children
are only required to learn to obey their Father AFTER they have already become
His child, because He already IS THEIR Parent. That's what gives Him the
authority to make the rules for that particular youngster. FIRST a child gets born
or adopted and accepted into the family. AFTER he or she IS a family member,
THEN the child is REQUIRED to progressively learn and obey the Father's Rulings
and Instructions. First a Child of YHWH gets Born Again and saved by Grace
through Messiah. THEN AFTER they are already accepted by Grace as YHWH’s Children
THEN we must progressively learn and KEEP the Father's Laws, Rulings,
Commandments and Instructions in His Torah; because He IS our Father. That's
what gives Him the right to make the rules that we children of YHWH must learn
to obey. It's a simple concept that Christians love to confuse in order to
justify disobedience and rebellion, in the name of Grace.
I have been an active believer in YHWH and a
follower of Messiah for more than a quarter of a century. I have been in active
ministry for more than 20 years. The more I walk with YHWH in all that time,
the more convinced I have become of the priceless value of the Creator's
Commandments. Every Law, every Commandment, every Instruction that YHWH has
given from Genesis chapter 1 to Revelation 22, is intended to fulfill either one
of two purposes in the life of a Covenant child of Elohim. Any given
Commandment of YHWH will either train us HOW to love YHWH more perfectly, or a
specific command will train us how to love our neighbor as ourselves more
For example, when you choose to honor and to keep the biblical seventh day Sabbath, obeying that particular Commandment trains you to love YHWH with all of your being more perfectly, and purposely separates you from honoring the traditions of false gods, by purposely honoring what YHWH has decreed. So when ever you purposely obey YHWH's Sabbath decree, you are training your being to love YHWH with all your being, and you are building yourself in loving Yahweh.
At the same time, when you choose to honor YHWH's biblical Commandment to always use honest and true measures, and you choose never to use a dishonest weight or standard of measurement, you are pleasing your Heavenly Father, but you are also reinforcing and training yourself in the standards of how to love your neighbor as yourself, because you yourself would not enjoy being cheated or ripped off.
Whenever you practice obeying any Biblical Commandment; it is intended to train you into loving YHWH more perfectly, and or into loving your neighbor as yourself, more perfectly. When we neglect any instruction or Command that YHWH has given, we neglect the opportunity either to learn how to love YHWH with all our being more perfectly, or we neglect the opportunity to learn how to love our neighbor as ourselves more perfectly.
Brother Michel Lankford
As It Is Written:
Psalm 119:30-32
I have chosen the way of truth;
Your judgments I have laid before me. I cling to Your testimonies;
O Lord, do not put me to shame! I will run the course of Your commandments,
For You shall set my heart free.
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