Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Idolatry of Preference

It’s a cornerstone question, but this is an all too often neglected question.

What is it that makes something Christian?

What is it that determines whether something is in fact truly Godly, biblical, or Christian?

Does YHWH Almighty God, His Word, and His Messiah’s examples determine these standards?

Does POPULARITY determine whether something is in fact truly Godly, biblical, or Christian? In other words, if the majority of people who claim to follow Christ have chosen to believe that a certain doctrine belief or practice is now to be considered, ‘Christian,’ does it then suddenly TRANSFORM, and BECOME Godly, Biblical or Christian, because the majority of professing believers have decided to accept it; regardless of whether or not YHWH, His Words, or His Messiah truly endorses those things?

Does LONGEVITY make something Godly Biblical or Christian? In other words, the mainstream of Christianity has accepted some Anti-Biblical doctrine belief or practice for a great length of time, (let’s say 1700 years or so); does the fact that they have accepted these things for so long cause these things to TRANSFORM and to BECOME Christian, regardless of the fact that they are Anti-Scriptural, simply because we have accepted and enjoyed them for so long?

Does a Pope, an Emperor, a King,  Ruler, or a denomination cause something to TRANSFORM and to BECOME Christian? In other words, if YHWH Almighty God has set a specific Standard in His Word, but a powerful earthly ruler has chosen to endorse a standard OPPOSITE to what YHWH Almighty has already declared, will YHWH Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth, step aside? Will YHWH honestly say anything close to the following?

‘Well, yes I am the Creator, and yes I said that certain attitudes and behaviors are SIN, but since your rulers have decided to call Godly what YHWH has called SIN, I will go ahead and CHANGE. I YHWH will now REVERSE what I have declared, and I will now ENDORSE and BLESS the beliefs and behaviors which I previously rejected and CONDEMNED as SIN, because your kings and rulers prefer THEIR NEW standards instead of upholding MY Standards. I, YHWH will change. I will overrule MY Own Standards and endorse what your rulers have said instead of upholding what I, YHWH have already decreed.’

Will YHWH Almighty God do that?! NOT a CHANCE!

Beloved, there is NOT one single righteous standard to even remotely indicate that YHWH Almighty will EVER reverse or change ANY standard concerning sin or righteousness which HE has decreed, in order to support what some Pope, Emperor, King, or Ruler has preferred, over what God has said.

Surprisingly though, many Christians, (even professing Protestants), routinely live as though Almighty God will somehow reverse Himself, as though He will now bless what He has called sin, because some Pope or other ruler has favored the practice, even against what Almighty God has decreed.

This is a challenging video. The truth is that any time that we choose to do what WE prefer, instead of learning, choosing and doing what YHWH says that HE prefers, we are then in danger of falling into Idolatry. We make an IDOL of OUR preferences, instead of worshiping YHWH the Almighty Creator in spirit and in Truth. This is often most evident in WHAT and HOW we celebrate. Choose what HE prefers, over what you prefer.

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