Thursday, December 25, 2014

The Idolatry of Preference

It’s a cornerstone question, but this is an all too often neglected question.

What is it that makes something Christian?

What is it that determines whether something is in fact truly Godly, biblical, or Christian?

Does YHWH Almighty God, His Word, and His Messiah’s examples determine these standards?

Does POPULARITY determine whether something is in fact truly Godly, biblical, or Christian? In other words, if the majority of people who claim to follow Christ have chosen to believe that a certain doctrine belief or practice is now to be considered, ‘Christian,’ does it then suddenly TRANSFORM, and BECOME Godly, Biblical or Christian, because the majority of professing believers have decided to accept it; regardless of whether or not YHWH, His Words, or His Messiah truly endorses those things?

Does LONGEVITY make something Godly Biblical or Christian? In other words, the mainstream of Christianity has accepted some Anti-Biblical doctrine belief or practice for a great length of time, (let’s say 1700 years or so); does the fact that they have accepted these things for so long cause these things to TRANSFORM and to BECOME Christian, regardless of the fact that they are Anti-Scriptural, simply because we have accepted and enjoyed them for so long?

Does a Pope, an Emperor, a King,  Ruler, or a denomination cause something to TRANSFORM and to BECOME Christian? In other words, if YHWH Almighty God has set a specific Standard in His Word, but a powerful earthly ruler has chosen to endorse a standard OPPOSITE to what YHWH Almighty has already declared, will YHWH Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth, step aside? Will YHWH honestly say anything close to the following?

‘Well, yes I am the Creator, and yes I said that certain attitudes and behaviors are SIN, but since your rulers have decided to call Godly what YHWH has called SIN, I will go ahead and CHANGE. I YHWH will now REVERSE what I have declared, and I will now ENDORSE and BLESS the beliefs and behaviors which I previously rejected and CONDEMNED as SIN, because your kings and rulers prefer THEIR NEW standards instead of upholding MY Standards. I, YHWH will change. I will overrule MY Own Standards and endorse what your rulers have said instead of upholding what I, YHWH have already decreed.’

Will YHWH Almighty God do that?! NOT a CHANCE!

Beloved, there is NOT one single righteous standard to even remotely indicate that YHWH Almighty will EVER reverse or change ANY standard concerning sin or righteousness which HE has decreed, in order to support what some Pope, Emperor, King, or Ruler has preferred, over what God has said.

Surprisingly though, many Christians, (even professing Protestants), routinely live as though Almighty God will somehow reverse Himself, as though He will now bless what He has called sin, because some Pope or other ruler has favored the practice, even against what Almighty God has decreed.

This is a challenging video. The truth is that any time that we choose to do what WE prefer, instead of learning, choosing and doing what YHWH says that HE prefers, we are then in danger of falling into Idolatry. We make an IDOL of OUR preferences, instead of worshiping YHWH the Almighty Creator in spirit and in Truth. This is often most evident in WHAT and HOW we celebrate. Choose what HE prefers, over what you prefer.

Monday, December 15, 2014

God Wants Me to be Happy

Some time ago Victoria Osteen, the wife of Mega-church pastor Joel Osteen made a STAGGERING claim from the pulpit:

Based on that clip I created the following poster or Meme:

Upon seeing this meme, a reader  on Facebook asked me:

"Are you on a witch hunt?"

It's a fair  question which deserves an answer, to which I reply in an open letter, in case other readers had the same thoughts. Here is my reply:

Am I on a witch hunt? That would depend solely on your point of view as to WHICH paradigm of "Grace" you choose to apply. You see, if you approach grace as many do; from a paradigm that trains you to believe that loving grace means we must accept EVERYTHING and ANYTHING that someone says, as long as they say it in, "Jesus Name," then yes, by THAT paradigm, you would consider me to be on a witch hunt. If you approach grace from a paradigm that tells you that in order to be loving and gracious, one must tolerate and indulge sin, and unrighteousness, because being loving and gracious means we must accept an tolerate everyone and everything, no matter how unbiblical it is, then yes, by THAT definition, I would be on a witch hunt; because my comment points out grievous error, and doesn't give you warm fuzzy huggable feelings. If it doesn't feel NICE, therefore, it can't be Christian, according to how many people have re-defined what that means.

On the other hand, if you approach and you define love and grace from a truly BIBLICAL paradigm, then there is NO WAY that I would be on a witch hunt, because the statements I made are in fact TRUE; and love does not rejoice in iniquity, but it rejoices with the TRUTH, (1 Corinthians 13:6).

NOWHERE in Scripture does it teach that God's ultimate joy is to see us be happy. That's false teaching and it makes it harder for us to become truly effective disciples. That's why that paradigm MUST be challenged, and exposed, for the darkness that it truly is, (Ephesians 5:11).

His ultimate objective is to see us transformed, and conformed into the image, the likeness and the character of His Son Jesus Christ, (Yeshua the Messiah); THAT IS His ultimate Joy. That's HIS Goal (Ephesians 4:11-15; Romans 8:29). His ultimate goal is to transform the church into a proper Bride for His Son. THAT is HIS goal, (Ephesians 5:27). His ultimate joy is that we would worship HIM in Spirit and in TRUTH (John 4:23-24). THAT is what the Father SEEKS. God's goal for us is that we would TRULY OVERCOME the world, and NOT conform to the world, (Romans 12:1-2; Revelation 21:7).THAT is God's ULTIMATE Joy. THAT is God's ULTIMATE Goal. Our being, "Happy," takes a far DISTANT second place AFTER those goals in God's priorities.

She may have been caught up in the excitement of the moment, but when Mrs. Osteen declared what she did, she spoke AGAINST a WHOLE LOT of Scripture, and based on how she defined "God's greatest Joy" being about making us happy, she just made it a lot HARDER for people in her congregation to accept, to tolerate, and to submit to God's CORRECTION in their lives, by making happiness the expectation instead of making God's Character and His Righteousness the expectation. She planted the seed that if we don't feel happy about whatever is going on in our lives, then it surely must not be of God. That is a destructive heresy to any up and coming disciple who hears and digests those words; and who builds their expectations about God based on those words.

IF God can reach HIS stated BIBLICAL goals in our lives by allowing us some happiness, He will CERTAINLY do that. 

At the same time, IF reaching HIS stated goals requires His correcting us, His spanking us, and His breaking us in some areas; IF reaching HIS stated goals requires Him to make us very decidedly NOT HAPPY, he will do that as well, and that is PERFECTLY RIGHT for Him to do that as our Father,and we should NOT build contrary expectations to that, (Hebrews 12:1-7), because His greatest Joy is our character, NOT our happiness. That's a CRITICAL distinction we don't want to miss, (Isaiah 5:20-24; Isaiah 55:7-9).That's WHY making these clear distinctions matters so much, because they create expectations within us, which will either power or they can pollute and poison our faith. 

Brother Michel Lankford

Monday, December 8, 2014

Choose WHOM You will Serve

Whether we understand it or not, every decision we make is in fact is spiritual decision, notwithstanding other factors.   Romans 6:15-16, tells us that we become servants, or slaves, (in effect worshipers), of whatever we obey. If we obey YHWH, then we are worshipers of YHWH. If we honor and obey someone other than YHWH, we become worshipers of someone else. So if we want to know who we truly worship, then we must scrutinize exactly WHOSE Commandments  and WHOSE customs we actually OBEY, because that proves whom we truly worship.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Quick Review: Remember What the Almighty Defines to be SIN

"If you want to walk correctly with your Heavenly Father, you MUST make sure that you define your terms the way that HE does."- Michel Lankford

 How Does God Define What it means to SIN

Summary at a Glance

Scripture Defines Sin as Follows:

  • Sin Means to "Miss the Bulls-Eye" Mark of YHWH's Highest Standards (HARMATIA Greek Strong’s #266; E.g Romans 3:23; Romans
  • Sin Means to Violate, to break or to walk outside of YHWH's Laws Commandments and Instructions (ANOMIA Greek Strong’s #'s 458-459; e.g. 1 John 3:4; Hosea 8:1; Daniel 9:11; James 1:25; James 2:12).
  • Sin is anything done outside of Yahweh’s definition of Love (e.g. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8; Matthew 22:36-40; Deuteronomy 6:5; Leviticus 19:18; Leviticus 19:34).
  • Sin is anything done outside of faith in Yahweh (Genesis 15:6; Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 14:23b).
  • Sin is anything done outside of obeying Yahweh and outside of obeying Messiah, who Himself also Obeyed Yahweh (e.g. Exodus 20:6; Deuteronomy 5:10; John 5:19; 8:31-32; John 14:15, 21, 23; John 15:10; 1 John 2:1-6; 1 John 3:24; 1 John 5:1-3).
  • Sin is anything done outside of purposefully and intentionally glorifying Yahweh (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17-23).
  • Sin is any time that I know what Yahweh considers to be good, and I choose not to do it, or I choose to do something else instead of what Yahweh has taught me to be what He considers good (James 4:17; cf. Isaiah 5:20-24).

The BIG Dilemma:  Modern Christianity often teaches that in order to live under grace we supposedly must not concern ourselves with God's Laws, Commandments, and Instructions anymore. The problem is that living outside of God's Laws, Commandments, and Instructions, is in reality what the New Testament defines to be SIN.  In fact, the Messiah Himself SAID that those who live a lifestyle of living outside of  God's Laws, Commandments, and Instructions, (Lawlessness/ANOMIA), and those who cause others to stumble into  living outside of  God's Laws, Commandments, and Instructions, (Lawlessness/ANOMIA); they WILL NOT inherit the Eternal Kingdom. According to Messiah, those who live a lifestyle of ANOMIA, or those who cause others to stumble into ANOMIA; they will be CONDEMNED to the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth, (Matthew 13:41-42; Matthew 24:12-13; Matthew 7:21-23).
Since Messiah CLEARLY SAID that LAWLESSNESS; ANOMIA; A.K.A. living outside of  God's Laws, Commandments, and Instructions, they will NOT be saved; they will be CONDEMNED to the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:41-42), THEREFORE, living outside of  God's Laws, Commandments, and Instructions, (ANOMIA), and then teaching others to live outside of YAHWEH'S Laws, Commandments, and Instructions, CANNOT possibly be what it means to live under Grace.

"Doing what MESSIAH said will be CONDEMNED, CANNOT be what it means to live under Grace."

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Let No One Deceive You

Any genuine or thriving relationship is a two-way street. Each party of the relationship has certain responsibilities that each one must meet, or the relationship simply does not work. The modern free grace movement has forgotten this CRITICAL concept. The free grace movement would have you to believe that the Almighty Creator will be responsible for EVERYTHING regarding your eternal, spiritual and ultimate well-being. They would have you believe that as Christians we have no real responsibility other than to mentally believe and confess Jesus Christ. They often believe and teach that if a believer tries to "DO" ANYTHING beyond this at all, (even what Scripture plainly tells you to do), then supposedly you are trying to become righteous by your works, and supposedly, you are not operating under YHWH's Grace, if you DO anything. So, is responsibility free grace, true? Ultimately, WHO is responsible to make certain that I know the truth? WHO is responsible for what I believe? WHOSE responsibility is it to make certain that I believe what the Almighty says is true? WHOSE responsibility is it to make certain that I am not deceived or led astray? Whose responsibility is it to make certain that I am persevering in the truth? WHOSE responsibility is it to make certain that I am truly saved?

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Should Christians and Heathens Think the SAME Way?

Are Christians out of their  Minds?!

By Brother Michel Lankford

As it is written: 

For those who are according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.” (Romans 8:5–8, NASB95)

It is a common belief within modern Christian circles that Paul the apostle SUPPOSEDLY taught that Christians should no longer subject themselves to the Law of God.

The BIG PROBLEM is that even Paul the apostle taught that it is the CARNAL MIND that DOES NOT subject itself to the Law of God. (Which means by contrast, that a mind that is truly controlled by the Holy Spirit SHOULD in fact subject itself to the Law of God; cf. Ezekiel 36:25-27; Philippians 2:13).

Paul also taught that the CARNAL mindset was hostile against God. This mindset could not please God, and this mindset leads to DEATH, and NOT LIFE.

Paul wrote this to a mixed congregation of Hebrew born and Gentile born believers in Messiah who were in Rome.

Paul wrote this more than 20 years AFTER Messiah's death and resurrection.

The modern Christian doctrine has at least TWO HUGE problems when compared against Romans 8:5-8:

First, IF Paul was truly teaching that Christians should NOT subject themselves to God's Law, then by HIS OWN WORDS, he would also be teaching Christians to be carnal minded. Hewould be teaching Christians to be hostile AGAINST God. He would be teaching Christians NOT to PLEASE God. And, he would be teaching Christians to operate in a mindset which PAUL himself declared; it leads to DEATH and NOT life. That is a huge dilemma for the Christian, which they would prefer to ignore.

The second problem is that the modern Christian doctrine has created an IMPOSSIBLE dynamic. Think about it. According to Paul's own words in Romans 8:5-8, the person controlled by their sinful nature or the carnal mind does not, and CANNOT subject themselves to the Law of God. They are not able to do so. So the unregenerate carnalminded sinner does not and cannot subject himself to theLaw of God.

Now according to the modern Christian doctrine the born-again Christian SUPPOSEDLY must not subject himself to the Law of God; supposedly because that's what it means to be under grace.

What most modern Christians fail to realize is that this creates a dynamic where the unregenerate carnal minded heathen, AND the born-again Christian end up operating in the exact SAME mindset, (IF their doctrine were correct). Think about it. The unregenerate carnal minded heathen does not subject himself to the Law of God because he cannot do so. The modern born-again Christian does not submit to the Law of God because he has been trained to believe that under grace, he must not do so.

IF the modern Christian doctrine were correct, that would mean that the unregenerate carnal minded heathen, and the born-again Christian would end up operating in the EXACT SAME mindset. Neither one submits to God's Law. Neither one obeys God's instructions. Both ignore what God has said. The modern Christian doctrine has created a dynamic where there is virtually NO REAL DIFFERENCE between the mindset of a carnal minded heathen, and the mindset of the born-again Christian. Both endup disregarding God's Instructions equally. The carnal minded person ignores God's instructions, because he can't subject himself to God's Law. The modern Christian ignores God's instructions, because he has been trained to believe that this is what it means to be under grace. So essentially there is no difference between the way a carnal minded sinner thinks, and the way a modern Christian thinks. Both IGNORE God's Instructions. Does anyone else notice  a GLARING problem here?

Brother Michel Lankford

Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Increase of LAWLESSNESS is Very Real

A couple of weeks ago, I was on Facebook, and I saw this abomination, being presented in the name of the Gospel:

Here is my Biblical Response

Brother Michel Lankford

The insatiable thirst to rationalize and justify LAWLESSNESS, (even against the clear teaching of the New Testament), is noticeably increasing. DO NOT BE DECEIVED
The Message in this video is such a wicked FALSEHOOD, one does not even need to be an expert in the NEW TESTAMENT, to KNOW that he is lying:

First he talks about having victory OVER sin, and then claims that we should not have any relationship with God's Law whatsoever. What he, "Conveniently," fails to mention is that breaking God's Commandments IS the Biblical definition of sin, EVEN in the NEW TESTAMENT:

As it is written:

Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. (1 John 3:4-KJV) 

Everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness; and sin is lawlessness.” (1 John 3:4, NASB95)

Decades after Messiah died and rose again, Christians were being taught that breaking God's Laws Commandments and Instructions IS the BIBLICAL DEFINITION of what SIN IS.

So, if you compare what this preacher just said, with the biblical NEW TESTAMENT definition of SIN, this preacher ACTUALLY CLAIMED that the way to have victory over sin, was to COMMIT MORE SIN! That is BEYOND obscene! The only way one can agree with what he is saying, is to IGNORE the New Testament.

IF what that 'Shepherd' said was true, Then WHY does the apostle Paul, (the apostle of grace, mind you), CLEARLY teach, that immorality, idolatry, adultery, sorcery, impurity and a slew of other lawless lifestyle choices, WILL NOT inherit the Kingdom of God?! (Galatians 5:19-21; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10).

Paul said that these things produce the WRATH of God, (Romans 1:18-32; Ephesians 2:1-2; Ephesians 5:5-6).

Paul wrote all of these things more than 20 years after the death and the resurrection of the Messiah; well AFTER the cross.

Were these vile, sinful lawless lifestyle choices, were they somehow acceptable for 20 years between the time that Messiah died on the tree, until Paul wrote his letters?

Did these things BECOME sin, ONLY because Paul wrote about these things 20 years later in the New Testament?!

Or were these vile things already sin, before Paul ever wrote about these things, because the Almighty Creator had already said they were wicked?!

ALL of the things Paul said would be CONDEMNED were ALREADY written about in Torah.

This guy is showing his UNBELIEVABLE IGNORANCE; and the sad part is that uninformed people will believe him, because it feels good, and he sounds so completely self-assured.

May YHWH deliver US from all evil . Deliver us from the Curse of Lawlessness - Deut.27:26; Matthew 5:17-20; Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 13:41-42).

This Preacher preached AGAINST the very teachings of Paul the Apostle in the New Testament. But that was not enough for this guy.

In his zeal to get rid of the very Commandments of Almighty God, he preached NOT ONLY AGAINST PAUL, but he also preached AGAINST the very words and teachings of the MESSIAH HIMSELF:

In defending this video, one viewer said:

"Who has to be right?... JESUS CHRIST!"

It may surprise you, but on this single point, I agreed with the viewer. It's absolutely true, that the only one who has to be proved right is the Messiah, that's true. The sad reality though, is that anyone who agrees with this preacher in this video, either does not know, does not believe, or he does not agree with the teachings of the Messiah, himself. 

As it is written: 

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. “Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ “And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; DEPART FROM ME, YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS.’” (Matthew 7:21–23, NASB95)

As it is written: 

“The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” (Matthew 13:41–42, NASB95)

As it is written: 

“Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. “But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.” (Matthew 24:12–13, NASB95)

 So then, EXACTLY WHERE did MESSIAH  SAY that those who practice Lawlessness, those who stumble into Lawlessness, and those who CAUSE others to stumble into Lawlessness will be going?

Messiah CLEARLY SAID that those who commit lawlessness, those who stumble into lawlessness, and those who cause others to stumble into lawlessness, will be thrown OUT of the Kingdom and cast into the place of weeping and gnashing of teeth: (that AIN'T Heaven).

That should be enough for any Christian, to thoroughly disregard this "preacher's," opinion. But if that's not enough, Messiah also said:

“He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. “For I did not speak on My own initiative, but the Father Himself who sent Me has given Me a commandment as to what to say and what to speak. “I know that His commandment is eternal life; therefore the things I speak, I speak just as the Father has told Me.”” (John 12:48–50, NASB95)

As it is written: 

And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good; but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”” (Matthew 19:17, NASB95)

As I said, when this preacher preached as he did, he was preaching against the very words of Messiah.  When this "Preacher" is preaching AGAINST the Commandments of Almighty God, he is ALSO preaching AGAINST Eternal Life, as JESUS CHRIST has already defined the term

The man was preaching AGAINST the very definition of Eternal Life, as Messiah defines the term, and he either didn't realize it, or he did not care! Only the Almighty knows his motives for certain, but his words were certainly contrary to what Messiah CLEARLY SAID. Of that there can be no doubt.

 I AGREE, the ONLY ONE who MUST BE right is JESUS CHRIST, and JESUS CHRIST has already spoken very CLEARLY in FAVOR of KEEPING the Father's Commandments. 

The question before every Christian in this generation is, will be truly allow Jesus to be Lord and Master? Will we define our terms as JESUS has already defined the them? Or will we foolishly reject the sayings of JESUS CHRIST, in favor of keeping the traditions and doctrines which HUMAN BEINGS have invented, all because we have accepted some TWISTED definition of GRACE which isn't even biblical, and which Paul himself DID NOT preach? That's what's really going on here. IF Jesus is NOT our Lord, then He is NOT our Savior either.

As it is written: 

After He was perfected, He became the source of eternal salvation for all who OBEY Him,” (Hebrews 5:9, HCSB)

As it is written: 

“He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”” (John 3:36, NASB95)

Please I BEG you, I PLEAD with you as one whom I love and do NOT want to see deceived, consider these passages. Take them to heart and do NOT neglect them. Thank you. If you look carefully through your New Testament, EVEN PAUL, solemnly warned AGAINST LAWLESSNESS, just as JESUS CHRIST had done when he was here. 

Just because obeying the Law is NOT the CAUSE of salvation, that DOES NOT mean that we should continue to be Lawless after we are saved through Christ.-(See Romans 6:19; Romans 8:5-8; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1). 

Please think about it. 

Thank you.

Brother Michel Lankford

Friday, September 26, 2014

God Knows my Heart

God Knows Our Heart but we don't. So How does God reveal our Heart to us.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Paul and Mosaic Law

A Short Survey of the NEW TESTAMENT that CLEARLY Shows that Paul the Apostle both TAUGHT and PREACHED KEEPING the WRITTEN Torah of YHWH

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Whom Should True Christians Obey?

This is WHY I have taken some of the strong religious stands that 
I have taken.

The Roman Catholic Church ADMITS it;
that it was THEY and NOT God who changed the Sabbath:

Jesus the Christ CLEARLY taught that
 if we DISOBEY the Commandments of Almighty God. 
but we keep commandments and traditions given by MEN, 
then the worship that we offer to God is IN VAIN, 
(Matthew 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-13). 

The RCC. Openly ADMITS that THEY and NOT God, 
imposed a " New Sabbath," and so 
they are leading the entire "Christian" world
to worship IN VAIN, and instead of being ashamed 
of themselves, they are arrogant and PROUD of their SIN,
and leading the world astray. 

True BIBLICAL Christians should KEEP and honor 
the BIBLICAL Sabbaths and Devoutly REJECT 
ALL Roman Catholic Traditions imposed 
by Roman emperors and popes. 
We should OBEY God and NOT man, (Acts 5:29). 
We should earnestly seek to worship God in spirit and in truth, 
(John 4:23-24), and devoutly REJECT VAIN worship.
Whom do you REALLY serve as your Lord and Master? 
Are you obeying God or man?

Brother Michel Lankford

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

This Is Eternal Life

MOST False Doctrines would not have any fighting chance at all if we were truly careful  to keep and maintain the CREATOR'S Definition for all our key terms and principles. There is perhaps  no term of greater importance then that of Eternal Life. Come, Let's truly look at Eternal Life,  as Jesus Christ, (Yeshua the Messiah), defined the term.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

I Am a Friend of God's?

This video is part teaching and part testimony. It tells the story of how a fresh encounter with the Heavenly Father challenged my paradigms, and changed my internal dictionaries so radically that I never looked at Scripture, at my life, or at myself and my purpose quite the same way ever again. Please join me as I share this part of my story. Thanks.

Monday, August 11, 2014

A Prayer in Entering His Word


Some people have mentioned that they enjoy some of my prayers. So I thought that I would offer this one. It's ONE example of a prayer that often use when I am about to read or study Scripture. I hope that it blesses and encourages you as it does me when I pray like this. Be Blessed.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Grace to be Diligent

Are all works of obedience to Scripture truly a"Lack of Grace?" Believe it or not, a growing number of free grace preachers and teachers are teaching that if a believer puts forth any effort into physically obeying and doing what Scripture says to do, then supposedly that person is no longer walking in grace, but they are walking outside of grace, because they are committing "Works." 

Whether they want to admit it or not, the free grace preachers and teachers of modern Christianity have actually turned grace on its ear. They have turned obeying God into a sin, and they are claiming that disobeying God is a work of grace. 

I believe that it is the responsibility of anyone who loves the truth to oppose lies wherever they find them. 

The truth is that the true biblical Grace of God, EMPOWERS us to OBEY the Creator. Grace does NOT give us a license to disobey the Creator. I believe the true grace gives us the power and ability to follow Biblical Instructions. 

True grace does NOT permit us to DISOBEY the King, while we claim the rights and benefits of HIS Kingdom.

I believe the true grace gives us the power and ability to be diligent. Grace does not excuse us from the requirement to be diligent.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Whosoever Believes

Almost every Christian in the world knows and believes John 3:16. We know that whoever believes in the Son that YHWH has sent, has eternal life, but what does it really mean to BELIEVE as MESSIAH understood that term when he taught it? What do we understand key terms to mean can have a great impact in how we understand and how we apply the Scriptures.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Who is Under Grace

The Grace
of God. It's a huge topic, and a critical concept. Like almost everything else
in our relationship with God, learning to define the functions of grace as God
does in His Word is imperative. Because if God has one definition of the
functions of Grace, and our definition of Grace is critically different from
how God defines grace, many of God's people may end up believing that they are
under Grace, when they are in reality Not fulfilling HIS definition of what it
means to be under HIS Grace. So how does God's Word say that Grace functions?
Does the grace of God really ONLY provide salvation and forgiveness of sins?
Or, does God's biblical grace also provide for our transformation, and does it
in power us and give us the ability to obey God, and do what He Commands? Who
is truly under grace?

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Two Prayers Requesting YHWH’s Help in Raising Children

By Brother R. Michel Lankford

NOTE: First, let me say that I am NOT entirely certain WHY I feel so consistently prodded and strongly prompted by Abba YHWH to write these particular prayers. I have felt prompted to write words like these on and off at various times over the years, but I simply could not bring myself to write them, because I did not feel qualified, since I have no children. I see no prospect in my future for children. Please believe me when I tell you that I am not trying to suggest that I have all the answers, [but Im frequently in touch with the ONE who does].

Much as Ive tried to avoid this task because I felt underqualified, all I can say is that I had a consistent fire in my belly to write these prayers to help parents pray for Gods guidance, as they try to raise godly kids for future generations.

The way Abba-YAH got over the, You’re underqualified fear’ is that he reminded me,” start with the premise of what do you wish that biological earthly father would have prayed over you, as you were trying to grow up?

Those meditations brought forth these words pouring out of me. I sincerely hope that you find these useful and the blessing. If however you feel that these prayers miss the mark or come short in some way, feel free to adapt them as YHWH directs you. Pray for me to hear and obey YHWHs more clearly in the future. Thank you.

Asking YHWH’s Help, Guidance and Blessing in Raising a Son

Blessed are You, YHWH Almighty God. Creator of the universe . Thank you for the blessing that you have given me in my son, [Name]. He is truly a gift a treasure and a blessing from you. I love him, & I am grateful that you have brought him into my life.

I take great joy and delight in him as my son, but I also know that you did not give him to me solely for my enjoyment. You gave him to me so that I could love, and train him for your delight and so that he could reflect the marvelous character of the Creator. I know that I will give an account to You, for however I have raised him, or however I have failed to do so.

I ask your blessing, that I may fulfill this mighty task well. I know that my main charge is to prepare him and equip him to walk in loving and obedient relationship with You as his Eternal Heavenly Father; to equip him not only for this life, but for life in the Eternal Kingdom as well. It is a great privilege, but also a great responsibility. Please help me to fulfill this well in Your eyes.

As of now, these are the five most positive strengths and attributes that I see in my son. Help me to affirm, to build him up and to help him develop these even better:


Help me to catch him and to affirm him being good. Help him to remember my praises and affirmations so that he won't feel he is always being criticized or corrected.

At the same time, I acknowledge my responsibility to train and to correct him, and to equip him to overcome so that his sinful nature will not have dominion over him. As of right now, these are three sinful attributes and weaknesses that I see in my son


Please, Abba Yahweh, help me to more faithfully stand in the gap for our son, as the priest of our home, so that the adversary will not be able to take advantage of him. Help me to teach him how to become a priest for his future home, should Messiah terry. Please protect him, protect his future household, and protect his future generations from every scheme and from every attack of the adversaries.
Mercifully grant me the knowledge, the understanding, and the wisdom and the grace to rightly love, to nurture, to affirm him; but also to correct and discipline my precious boy according to what will be most effective and beneficial for him.

Give my boy the courage and grace to submit to me and to obey me as his earthly father. Please teach me how to coach and how to raise him in the most effective way, so that he will be a true overcomer, but dont let me be so hard as to provoke him to wrath or despair.

May we learn to walk in Your Joy so that he will have the strength he needs as he grows up.

May Yahweh bless him and keep him May Yahweh make His face to shine upon him

May he come to truly KNOW the Creator who IS Perfect Love. May the Almighty truly become his first Love.

May he come to truly KNOW the MESSIAH, that the Creator has sent.

May he become a blessed partaker and successfully grow into every single blessing that is included in his salvation and eternal life (Jn. 17:3). May he not come short of a single one.

May he have a truly fresh encounter with the One who made him, and the Messiah that died to bring him HER.

May Yahweh incline his heart and his appetites to desire, to learn, and obey YHWH’S decrees that He may rightly bless him.

May HE cause our son to hunger and thirst after His eternal Kingdom and HIS Righteousness, so that he can truly change, and then satisfy the deepest longings of his being.

 If MESSIAH’s return should terry:

May he become the man, a husband and the Father who matches and agrees with the Creators own heart.

May Yahweh bring to him a woman and a wife after His own heart.

May Yahweh bring to him the spouse that YHWH would choose, and that would love him and honor him as the church should honor Messiah.

May his children rise up and call him blessed. May they raise up and bless the LORD for their grandparents who raised their father so well with the help of the LORD.

May whatever he places his hands to, be blessed and prosper with Yahweh's favor, His help and His direction. May Yahweh raise up His countenance upon our son.

May Yahweh fill your present and future households with His Love, Unity, and peace; even to life everlasting. In the name of the Prince of Peace, Yeshua the Messiah. Amen.

A Prayer Requesting YHWH’s Help and Blessing in Raising a Daughter

Blessed are You, YHWH Almighty God. Creator of the universe . Thank you for the blessing that you have given me in my daughter, [Name]. She is truly a gift a treasure and a blessing from you. I love her, & I am grateful that you have brought her into my life.

I take great joy and delight in her as my daughter, but I also know that you did not give her to me solely for my enjoyment. You gave her to me so that I could love, and train her for Your delight, and so that she could reflect the marvelous character of the Creator. I know that I will give an account to You, for however I have raised her, or however I have failed to do so.

I ask your blessing, that I may fulfill this mighty task well. I know that my main charge is to prepare her and equip her to walk in loving and obedient relationship with You as her Eternal Heavenly Father; to equip her not only for this life, but for life in the Eternal Kingdom as well. It is a great privilege, but also a great responsibility. Please help me to fulfill this well in Your eyes.

As of now, these are the five most positive strengths and attributes that I see in my daughter. Help me to affirm, to build her up and to help her develop these even better:


Help me to catch her and to affirm her being good. Help her to remember my praises and affirmations so that she won't feel that she is always being criticized or corrected.

At the same time, I acknowledge my responsibility to train and to correct her, and to equip her to overcome so that her sinful nature will not have dominion over her. As of right now, these are three sinful attributes and weaknesses that I see in my daughter:


Please, Abba Yahweh, help me to more faithfully stand in the gap for our daughter, as the priest of our home, so that the adversary will not be able to take advantage of her. Please protect her, protect her future household, and protect her future generations from every scheme and from every attack of the adversaries.
Meanwhile, mercifully grant me the knowledge, the understanding, and the wisdom and the grace to rightly love, to nurture, to affirm her; but also to correct and discipline my precious girl according to what will be most effective and beneficial for her.

Give my girl the courage and grace to submit to me and to obey me as her earthly father. Please teach me how to coach and how to raise her in the most effective way, so that she will be a true overcomer, but dont let me be so hard as to provoke her to wrath or despair. May we learn to walk in Your Joy so that she will have the strength she needs as she grows up.

May Yahweh bless her and keep her May. Yahweh make His face to shine upon her.
May she come to truly KNOW the Creator who IS Perfect Love. May the Almighty truly become her first Love.

May she come to truly KNOW the MESSIAH, that the Creator has sent.

May she become a blessed partaker and successfully grow into every single blessing that is included in her salvation and eternal life (Jn. 17:3). May she not come short of a single one.

May she have a truly fresh encounter with the One who made her, and the Messiah that died to bring her LIFE.

May Yahweh incline her heart and her appetites to desire, to learn, and obey YHWH’S decrees that YHWH may rightly bless her.

May HE cause our daughter to hunger and thirst after His eternal Kingdom and HIS Righteousness, so that He can truly change, and then satisfy the deepest longings of her being.

 If MESSIAH’s return should terry:

May she become the woman, a wife and the Mom who matches and agrees with the Creators own heart.

May Yahweh bring to her a man and a husband  after His own heart.

May Yahweh bring to her the spouse that YHWH would choose for her, the man that would Love YHWH; that will be a truly loving, strong and compassionate covering that would love her, intercede for her, be an excellent covering for her; a husband that would love and sacrifice for her as Messiah does for the Bride.

May her children rise up and call her blessed. May they raise up and bless the LORD for their grandparents who raised their mother so well with the help of the LORD.

May whatever she places her hands to, be blessed and prosper with Yahweh's favor, His help and His direction. May Yahweh raise up His countenance upon our daughter.

May Yahweh fill your present and future households with His Love, Unity, and peace; even to life everlasting. In the name of the Prince of Peace, Yeshua the Messiah. Amen.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Repentance IS REQUIRED

It’s Not a Suggestion

By brother R Michel Lankford

FACT: We are commanded by Messiah to go into all the world and MAKE DISCIPLES; notice that He does not say to go make church members, but to make DISCIPLES by baptizing, and teaching people HOW to OBEY EVERYTHING that Messiah has commanded us (Matthew 28:19-20). Beloved, I have been in many churches in my time, and I have yet to enter a single church congregation that ever even offered to teach this, let alone one that actually did it.

FACT: The FIRST public Commandment the Messiah gave in the Apostolic Writings, was that we should REPENT, (Matthew 4:17).  In Hebrew, (the language of the original Scriptures), to repent is, (Hebrew Strong’s # 7725 transliterated shoov, or  T'Shuvah). It quite literally means to destroy one’s own ways, and to RETURN to YHWH (יהוה), and HIS Ways.

In Greek to repent is, (Greek Strong’s #3340 METANOEÔ. From the Biblical literal sense of the word, to repent means to change one's mind, to change one's purpose and to change one's actions AWAY from what God defines as being sin, and then TURNING and progressively walking TOWARD what God says is righteous, good and pleasing to Him. So from God's point of view we have only successfully repented when we change our mind, when we change our purpose and when we change our way of life AWAY from what He calls sin, and then we walk TOWARD what God says is good and pleasing to Him.

FACT: It is IMPOSSIBLE to biblically repent without the Torah. Think about it. How can you possibly destroy your own ways, and then RETURN to YHWH (יהוה) and RETURN to HIS WAYS, without learning and obeying HIS Commandments and RETURNING to His Instructions? So in reality, you cannot even begin to obey Messiah’s first public command in the New Testament without the Torah, because forsaking your own ways and returning to YHWH (יהוה) and His Ways; that’s what it means to repent biblically. So how can you return to Yahweh and to Yahweh’s ways without learning and keeping His Commandments?

We see some perfect pictures of repentance in the Apostolic Writings. The prodigal son, (Luke 15:11-32)
Please notice:

·          The wayward son came to himself, (he changed his mind - Luke 15:17).
·         He changed his purpose and intentions, (Luke 15:18).
·        He changed his way of walking AWAY from his sin, and he RETURNED to His father, and to his father’s authority (Luke 15:19-20).

We often love to talk about the Father’s Compassion, His forgiveness, and His enthusiastic willingness and jubilant restoration of His wayward son; and thanks be to YHWH (יהוה), that this is His Character, because we all need it. However, in our enthusiasm to experience the restoration part of the teaching, we often neglect and sometimes even ignore THE central fact of the teaching:

The wayward son was restored AFTER he repented, NOT before. And without genuine biblical repentance, there would not have been a restoration party. Do not deceive yourself:

·         If the young man had stubbornly held onto the same rebellious mindset he had when he left; if he had not changed his mind, if he would not have been willing to return home, then he would not have been restored. There was no possibility of a restoration party until the boy changed his mind.

·         If the young man had not changed his purposes away from his previous rebelliousness; if he had not purposed in his heart to return to his father, there would have been no restoration party at all.

·         If the young man had not taken physical steps; if he had not walked away from his pigpen; if he had not taken physical steps to walk away from his wayward life, and then physically taken steps toward his father’s house, there would not have been a restoration party at all.


A True Understanding of Biblical Grace

Yes, we must not underestimate the generosity of the father, but we must not forget that without a genuine biblical repentance there is no restoration. Do not be deceived. If the young man had not gone through the three critical stages of repentance, he would have died in that pigpen, much to the heartbreak of his loving father. Without genuine biblical repentance, there is no restoration party.

Yes, if we are willing to have our mind changed so that we come into agreement, with YHWH (יהוה) Almighty, He will give us His grace. He will open our eyes so that we compare our lives to His Word, He will open our understanding, and we will be able to recognize our sin, and see our true need for restoration, because that’s what the true grace of God does. However, if we insist that we’re already okay, that we’re already righteous, and that we don’t need to change our mind so that we are more in agreement with (יהוה) Almighty; then we actually deny our need for the grace that (יהוה) Almighty offers, and we could die in our pigpen.

Yes, if we have any willingness to change our purposes and intentions AWAY from what (יהוה) Almighty defines to be sin, and we are willing to change our life’s purposes TOWARD what (יהוה) Almighty considers to be good, then the Almighty Creator will give us all the Grace we need, to change our purposes AWAY from sin and TOWARD what pleases YHWH (יהוה), because that’s what the grace of Almighty God was intended to help us do successfully. However, if we deceive ourselves; if we tell ourselves that it doesn’t really matter if we learn and DO what (יהוה) Almighty considers to be good, because after all, He knows my heart; in that case we actually are denying our need for the grace of God, and we could die in our pigpen.

Once the young man had changed his mind and come to his senses; once he had changed his intentions and he purposed to RETURN to his father’s household and to his father’s authority, the young man had to put real physical feet to that decision. He had to DO something that was consistent with his new righteous mindset, and his renewed purposes and intentions. He had to pick up his feet. He had to WALK AWAY from his pigpen, and he had to physically start walking TOWARD home. If he had not chosen to start walking home, the father would not have met him on the road and that young man could have died in that pigpen.

Yes, if we have the willingness to forsake our old life, and then to learn, to seek, and to actually RETURN to what is pleasing to (יהוה) Almighty, then He will give us all the grace that we need to pull that off successfully, because that is what the real and true grace of God does.
The problem is that most Christians today have a COUNTERFEIT definition of grace. Most are erroneously taught that Grace allegedly means that we should not have to DO anything. Most are taught by tradition and practice that if you actually believe you have to DO something, then you are not walking in grace, you are supposedly walking in works, and you are therefore wrong, according to most traditional and modern Christians.

The real reason for their gross error is that they do not use the Bible, (they don’t even use the New Testament) to define what the Grace of God really is. Even Paul the apostle of grace clearly states that part of the function of God (יהוה) Almighty’s Grace is to make us both zealous and ABLE to do what YHWH considers to be good and pleasing to Him, (Titus 2:11-15; Ephesians 2:8-10; Philippians 2:13; just to name a few). The heresy that we should not have to do anything at all, because we are under grace is a complete and abominable lie! The pastors and teachers, who are promoting such a deception, need to be zealous about repenting. They need to forsake their false teachings, and they need to return to (יהוה) Almighty’s Word and teaching His Ways, before they lead themselves and their congregations into the Lake of fire, (Revelation 21:8).

Part of the function of YHWH’s Grace is to bring us into repentance, (Romans 2:4), but we still have to DO the repenting. If we are willing, YHWH Almighty’s Grace will help us to change our minds, so that we will be able to forsake our old way of thinking, and change our mindset to agree with the Creator, but we have to choose to let Him do it, and must choose to come into agreement with what His Word actually says, (Romans 12:1-2; Philippians 2:5; Matthew 4:4).

Many Christians erroneously believe that grace means that it is the Father’s job to forcibly take you out of your pigpen without you having to change your mind. Some of you foolishly believe that it is the Heavenly Father’s job to forcibly drag you out of your pigpen, and drag you home so that you don’t die; all the while you are still resenting and resisting the Father’s authority.
So many Christians want the blessings of belonging to the Father’s household without submitting to the 

Father’s Authority. That’s not grace. That’s lawlessness. Many Christians don’t understand the true biblical picture of grace where the wayward son starts walking toward home.
They mistakenly believe that grace means the Father finds you in whatever pigpen you choose to wallow in, and that He should forcibly carry you home piggyback, whether you make any real choices to change or not, so that you wouldn’t have to walk a single step of obedience, because after all, we are under grace. That’s not grace. That’s lawlessness.

We do newcomers to the faith a grave disservice when we mislead them to believe that all they have to do is raise their hands, walk up front, say a few words that didn’t even originate from their heart, because we tell them that all they have to do is repeat after us the words that we tell them to say, and then they are all good.  Then as they progress in most Christian congregations, they will learn that they are under Grace, so it doesn’t really matter if they learn to obey YHWH, or if they learn to walk like Messiah walked, because they’re under grace, so they shouldn’t have to do anything, right?!

The First public Commandment Messiah gave was to repent, (Matthew 4:17). To repent literally means to change our mind, to change our purposes and intentions, and to change our way of walking, away from what (יהוה) Almighty considers to be sin, and to progressively RETURN and walk TOWARD what (יהוה) Almighty considers to be good and pleasing to Him. That’s the First public Command Messiah gave in the apostolic writings. We cannot even begin to walk successfully with YHWH and the Messiah He has sent, until we learn how to biblically repent successfully.

If we are willing, YHWH’s Grace will help us to change our purposes and intentions AWAY from what (יהוה) Almighty’s Word considers to be sin, and to change our purposes TOWARD what the Almighty Creator considers to be good. That’s what God’s true grace actually does. But we must be willing to compare our intentions with rightly divided Scripture, and NOT ASSUME that our intentions and purposes are already right because we THINK were well-meaning.

If we are willing to seek, to find, to walk and to persevere in the Strait and narrow path that leads to Eternal Life, (Matthew 7:13-14), then YHWH’s Grace is there to help us to succeed at seeking it. YHWH’s Grace will help us to succeed at finding it, but we still have to DO the seeking. If we are willing to walk in the Strait and narrow path that leads to life, Yahweh’s Grace will definitely help us to walk that path successfully, but we still have to DO the walking. If we choose to learn how to persevere in walking the Strait and narrow path, until it leads us to life, then YHWH, and His Grace is willing and eager to help us succeed at persevering until we win, until we overcome, and until we are victorious, but we still have to DO the actual persevering.

Of course, everyone who asks receives, but we have to continue to DO the asking, until we are certain that we have received it. YHWH’s Grace helps us to know what to ask, and to persevere in asking until we truly receive, but we still must choose and we must continue to DO the asking until we receive (Matthew 7:7-8).

Of course, everyone who seeks finds, but we are the ones who must be faithful and we have to continue DOING the seeking until we are certain that we have found it. YHWH’s Grace helps us to seek, but we still must do the seeking.

Of course, to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened, but we must be certain that we are knocking at the correct door, and we must be diligent to continue knocking at the correct door until it opens, but we must also be prepared to enter into, and to live in that room once the door opens, because it will eventually open. We must persevere in knocking until it does. YHWH’s Grace helps us to do the knocking, but we still have to DO the knocking until the doors open.
YHWH Almighty’s Grace is there to help us to repent successfully once we make the decision that we want to learn and do repentance that YHWH and Messiah will accept. YHWH’s Grace is there to help us to learn what repentance is and how to do it successfully in our own lives, but we still have to DO the actual repenting. God’s Grace helps us to do the repenting. God’s grace does not remove the need to repent.

Beloved, there is no restoration without the repentance. If the young man had not changed his mind and recognized his depraved condition, he would not have come to himself. If the young man had not changed his intentions and purposes; if he had not intended to return home with purpose and volition, he would not have been restored. If he had not purposely taken steps to walk away from his pigpen and to return to his father’s household and authority; there would have been no new fancy robes. There would have been no ring of authority put on his finger, if he had chosen to remain in the pig wallow. There would’ve been no fancy new shoes. There would have been no fatted calf Barbecue party so to speak. There would have been no tearful kisses and jubilant welcomes home.  Pease do not deceive yourself. There is no restoration without the repentance.

Brother Michel Lankford