Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Should We Really Cry out, "Maranatha?"

By Brother R. Michel Lankford

The word “Maranatha” is a word I heard years ago. It's a word you hear more often in the charismatic and Word of Faith movement then other places. It's only used twice in the New Testament, 1 Corinthians 16:22; Revelation 22:20). It literally means, "O Lord Come.” It is most commonly used to convey the idea that we want the second coming of Christ, and the final manifestation of the Everlasting Kingdom to come, and to come quickly.
On the one hand this is a good thing. I desire and look forward to the Wedding Supper of the Lamb. I get homesick for heaven. I long for the place where we will no longer struggle with our sinful nature and where God's perfect Love and Righteousness can be fully manifest in our being without internal resistance or conflict. That would quite literally be heaven. Believe me, I look forward to in long to be in the place where there will be no more sorrow, sickness, loneliness disease, pain or death. I long to enjoy and dwell in that blessing.
At the same time, I find myself not quite as quick to shout Maranatha as I once did. Why? It's not that I want to love the world nor the things of this world (1 John 2:15-17), in fact quite the opposite. The thing that's changed for me in the last few years though is that I have become more keenly and acutely aware that before His kingdom can come, and before it will be fully manifest, first His Judgment must come.
In one sense, being too quick to shout Maranatha also means that I've given up on my neighbor as well. In one sense it means that I care more for my own comfort and my own ease, then I do about whether or not lost people both inside and outside of church truly know the salvation of God and how to walk with Him before His judgment comes.
In fact, one of the reasons that I cannot bring myself to shout Maranatha as quickly and loudly as I once did, is gratitude. You see, I remember where I was almost a quarter century ago. Let's say, that He had answered the Maranatha cries of the saints 30 years ago. In such a case, I would have been utterly condemned. I would have been without any hope of forgiveness. I would have being eternally without love, without mercy and in total agony and separation from God’s presence forever. I can’t shout Maranatha because I'm so grateful that God waited for me, and in some areas where I'm learning to repent, He still waits. Thank you so much for your mercy O God, which some foolishly count as slowness!
As believers in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah and Christ of God, we tend to think that there is nothing but rapture, blessing and comfort ahead. As I observe the state of the church, it's very clear that what is commonly believed is that because we claim Christ the Savior, we believe that we will escape the judgment of God virtually completely unscathed. That is a very popular and comfortable point of view, but as I looked intently, deliberately and carefully into the Scriptures, I find that this point of view while popular is definitely not a Biblical one.
To shout Maranatha is a very bold claim indeed. To say that before Almighty God is to claim that I am 100% ready to face His judgment. It means that I'm absolutely certain that I have repented and made a 180° turn away from everything that God considers sin, and that I have successfully completely turned toward choosing and walking in what God says is pleasing to Him.
The more intently I look at the very specific desires, attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles that Almighty God, specifically says throughout all of Scripture that He will not allow to live in His Eternal Kingdom, the less inclined I feel to stand up in church and cry, “Maranatha!” No, the more intently I look at what God says He will judge, what He says He will condemn, and what He says He will eternally separate from Himself the less inclined I am to cry out Maranatha, and the more inclined I get to stand up in church and cry out, “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand," (Matthew 4:17). Let's take a closer look and see scripturally, specifically what God says He will not permit to live in His kingdom. Are we really as ready as we claim?
Recently, I had been looking at the Scriptures concerning how God is going to judge both the church and the world. In the first three chapters of the book of Revelation, Messiah dictated letters to the seven most widely known churches in the world at the time. Of those seven churches five of them had serious problems from which they needed to repent before the coming judgment (Revelation chapters 1-3). Of the seven churches, only two, (that's less than 33% folks), were actually doing what God wanted and expected them to do, the others had some serious repenting to do before the coming judgment. We know the judgment will begin in God's house first, so lately I have been reviewing the kinds of things that Scripture specifically tells us will not inherit the kingdom of God, and I pose the question, are we really ready for the coming judgment? Should we really cry out Maranatha, or would we be wiser to cry out, "Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand?”
Confronted with a Choice
When we look squarely at what Almighty God says He will condemn and HE will not permit to live in his kingdom, we are suddenly confronted with a few options:
· We can put our theological hats on and come up with complicated theological reasons and rationale as to why God's Word really doesn't mean what God just said. The serpent tried that with Eve in Garden of Eden and we still haven't learned not to give into that lie (Genesis 3:1-6), and we think the human race is advancing?
· We can bury our heads in the sand just like the lawyer did in Christ's day. He knew that God’s Law required him to love his neighbor as himself. He really did not want to do what God desired and required of him, so he tried to justify himself by simply changing the definition of who and what his neighbor was. What he really needed was a heart change, but he didn't want to face up to that. So it was much easier to change the definition of who and what your neighbor is. That way he could convince himself that he was still right with God, even though he was really living to please himself (Luke 10:25-37).
When we are confronted with a list of the things that GOD SAYS that HE will not permit to dwell in His kingdom, (and He the One who should know), we could try and do exactly what the lawyer did. We can try and pick Scripture apart seeking to find justifications to claim that none of these standards really apply to us anymore because after all, we are “Under Grace.” At the same time, the honest person has to face the question that if we are truly operating under God's Grace, then why do I not have a greater appetite to turn away from what God calls detestable, and why don't I have a greater desire to run toward and choose what God says is pleasing to Him?
The honest person has to ask himself some tough questions. For example, why is it that when we want to justify acting contrary to Scripture, then the word Grace pops up an awful lot in conversation, but when we talk about disciplining ourselves and pushing ourselves to put Scripture into practice, and truly doing what God says, then the word legalism pops up an awful lot, but the word Grace is rarely referred to as the power to learn, the power to desire, the power to choose and to do, what God says pleases Him? Are we truly walking in God's grace, or we walking in lawlessness disguising itself as grace?
When I look at a list of what God says He will not permit to live in His Kingdom, I can do exactly what the lawyer did in Christ's day. I can try and justify myself. Or, I can turn toward the Light and face up to the fact that what this list shows me is that I truly need a heart change in many areas. I could be courageous and face up to the fact that I actually still need an appetite change. I in fact still need some thorough desire changes, because while God's grace does provide forgiveness when I realize and admit that I have come short of God's standards, God's grace also provides me the power to learn, to desire, to choose, and to do what is pleasing to God (1 John 1:8-9; Philippians 2:13; Ezekiel 36:25-27; cf. Isaiah 56 1-7). That's a scriptural overview of how God's grace truly functions.
According to Scripture, What Invokes God's Wrath and Judgment?

What Specifically Brings about the Wrath of God?
In Romans 1:18, God's Word gives us a profound statement:
"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness..." Romans 1:18 (NASB).
God working through the apostle Paul then gives us a basic listing of the things that bring about the wrath of God in Romans 1:19-32. Here is a quick review of that list.
1. Stubbornly and willfully refusing and rejecting the knowledge of God which God has made plain to everyone; except that some have in effect hardened their hearts against God (Romans 1:19-21; Ecclesiastes 3:11)
2. Willfully suppressing or working to suppress the knowledge of God away from people by way of unrighteousness.
3. Refusing to honor God as being God and refusing to be grateful to God (Romans 1:21).
4. Choosing to exchange the true knowledge of God for the imitation wisdom of man (Romans 1:22; Jeremiah 9:23-24; Proverbs 3:5-7; Proverbs 26:12; James3:13-16; contrasting James 3:17-18). For the Almighty, even in His foolishness would still be wiser than the wisest of men (1 Corinthians 1:25). As a result of rejecting God, we become foolish and futile in our thinking patterns.
5. Since they rejected God and His knowledge and wisdom, they began to worship their own knowledge wisdom and understanding. They began to worship the created things instead of the Creator (Romans 1:21-23; Ephesians 4:17-32 Romans 1:21-23; 2 Kings 17:15; Ephesians 4:17-32).
6. As people continually reject God and His standards; as they continue to indulge in idolatry against God, worshiping their own intellect and other things which God created, human thinking becomes more and more hostile against God, and eventually He will turn us over to this sins in which we have repeatedly indulged. Worshiping our own intellect will lead us into worshiping our own pleasures including our own sexual pleasures. After doing that long enough, normal God ordained sexual relations between man and wife no longer excites and satisfies. So people begin to seek after more perverse pleasures, eventually even accepting homosexuality, or even intercourse with animals, which God defines as detestable abominations (Romans 1:24-27; Leviticus 18:22-23; Romans 1:21-23; 2 Kings 17:15; Ephesians 4:17-32).
7. As people continually reject God and refuse to honor Him, but instead choosing to honor their own sinful passions, God eventually turns them over to a depraved mind. This leads to the rest of the characteristics that bring about the wrath of God upon societies Romans 1:29-32 (NASB). These are as follows:
Being filled with all unrighteousness,
Wickedness; Greed, Evil; Full of envy, murder, strife, Deceit, Malice; They are gossips, Slanderers; Haters of God, Insolent Arrogant Boastful
Inventors of evil, Disobedient to parents, Without understanding, Untrustworthy, Unloving, Unmerciful;  And finally, approving even celebrating wickedness.
"... although they know the ordinance of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them."

What Specifically Will NOT Enter the Kingdom of God?
Rejecting Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ (John 3:36; John 1:12; John 5:24; John 8:51; Acts 4:12)
Those Who Refuse to Obey the will of God (Matthew 7:21)
Those Who are NOT Converted (Matthew 18:1-3; Matthew 5:20; John 3:3,5,7; 1 Corinthians 15:50)
Those Who Refuse to Forgive (Matthew 6:15-16; Matthew 18:23-35)
Living According to the Sinful Nature (Galatians 5:19-21; Matthew 18:23-35)
Living According to the Sinful Nature (Galatians 5:19-21);
This includes the following:
Immorality: (particularly sexual immorality in the original Greek)
1 Corinthians 6:9-10 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Ephesians 5:5-7 For this you know, that no fornicator, unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, has any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God. 6 Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore do not be partakers with them Ephesians 5:5-7 NASB.
Galatians 5:19-21 Now the works of the flesh are evident, which are: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (NKJV)
Impurity: (referring to moral impurity-for example greed)
Sensuality: (Basically being inordinately driven or controlled by the appetites of one's five senses; also wantonness or excessiveness)
Idolatry: (Worshiping anything outside of God Almighty; also stubbornness (1 Samuel 15:22-23). Also craving another person's possessions or coveting (Colossians 3:5).
Sorcery: Witchcraft; The Use and administration of Drugs; poisoning; Using magical arts
Enmities: Hatred or causing hatred
Strife: Loving to fight argue or instigate fights, arguments or contentions
Jealousy: Being fiercely and indignantly Zealous or rivalry
Outbursts of Anger: Uncontrolled passionate zealous indignation and anger (temper tantrums or fits).
Disputes: Causing contention and secretly working behind the scenes to gain an unfair advantage to achieve ones aims in promoting oneself, agenda or desires.
Dissensions: Violent debate (as in attempting to force or to divide people away from the truth; causing ungodly divisions)
Factions: Similar to the above, it has to do with having such misplaced loyalty to a division, group, (a denomination for example), or an idea; to the point that one is willing to sacrifice Truth or Righteousness before God in order to advance a particular group or cause. One example of this would be such things as the KKK, who are willing to murder blacks and blow up churches to advance their cause of so-called "keeping the white race pure." Once you commit mass murder, you are no longer pure by God's definition anyway (Matthew 7:12; 1 John 3:15)! So you cause a lot of grief and pain, and accomplish nothing where it counts for all the trouble you cause!
One of the biggest examples of this in Scripture has to be during the trial of Jesus Christ (John 19:12-15). The religious leaders of the time had the crowd so stirred up that they were willing to openly deny that Almighty God is King in Israel and verbally proclaim an idol worshiping pagan (the Emperor) instead, all to ensure that Jesus Christ would hang, because they said he committed blasphemy (which He didn't; but what were they doing with such talk)? Not only were they so devoted to this idea that they were willing to deny God as their king, but they were even willing to sacrifice their own children to this cause (Matthew 27:25). Now that's an example of losing all perspective.
Envying: A painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage (Webster's Collegiate; 11th Ed) Note: I did not use my Bible dictionaries on this one because they used the key word in the primary definition, which is terrible studying procedure.
Drunkenness: That one is self-explanatory. It means to live a lifestyle of intoxication with foreign substances.
Carousing: It literally means riotous celebration. Biblical dictionaries point to word pictures such as "a nocturnal and riotous procession of half drunken and frolicsome fellows who after supper parade through the streets with torches and music (usually in honor of some false deity). They sing and play before the houses of male and female friends; hence, used generally as an excuse for drinking parties that are protracted late into the night, and indulge in revelry. I think that Mardi Gras or Carnival would be 'reasonable' examples of carousing.
Please take notice that Scripture specifically says that anyone with a lifestyle that indulges in these things (or anything else like those things) will not inherit the kingdom of God. We need to take God seriously. He specifically says that people who indulge in this kind of lifestyle would not go to heaven, so we better cooperate with God to get rid of this kind of stuff out of our thinking and behaviors:
"...and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." Galatians 5:19-21 (NASB)

Failing to Overcome: (Revelation 21:7-8)

Revelation 21:7-8 "He who overcomes will inherit these things (Some translations say will inherit ‘all things’, and I will be his God and he will be My son.”8 "But for the cowardly and unbelieving and abominable and murderers and immoral persons and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Revelation 21:7-8 (NASB)
So let us look more closely at each of these things:
The Cowardly: It literally to live a lifestyle where one is intimidated; more fearful of the opinions of human beings than of God (2 Timothy 1:7; Matthew 10:28; Luke 12:5; Galatians 1:10).
The Unbelieving: It literally means to be without trust in God; also without faith; also untrustworthy or unreliable.
The Abominable: It literally means to render foul, to stink so badly as to become abhorrent; to turn one's self (more importantly God) away from some person attitude or behavior because of the stench.
Note: Scripture classifies a lot of different things (that I've found); attitudes and behaviors that are specifically named as abominations in God's sight. I have included the list after the section).
Murderers; This includes everything from the actual unjust physically taking of someone's life, to retaining hatred, or unjustified anger in one's heart (Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:21-26).
Immoral Persons; In literal terms the original Greek word of this term is one who prostitutes their body for hire to satisfy another's unlawful sexual desires; a fornicator. A male prostitute.
Sorcerers; One who practices magic arts, deals in poisons or drugs. To illicitly manipulate the mind.
Idolaters; A worshiper of false gods; Placing anything above God; worshiping in any way after the manner of the heathen; because when we do that we are placing our own desires above God Deuteronomy 12:1-4, 8, 29-32; John 4:24).
All Liars; One who lies, purposes to deceive, and practices falsehoods. So, let's take a quick survey at what the Testament specifically associates with lying or deceiving (Revelation 21:8)
· The first is obvious; knowingly not telling the truth: (Leviticus 19:11; Colossians 3:9; in contrast to, (Ephesians 4:15).
· Claiming that we are not sinning when God says we are: Lying includes claiming that we have not missed the mark of God's standard of righteousness in some area, when Almighty God and Christ in His Word says that we have (1 John 1:8, 10; cf. 1 John 3:4; Isaiah 5:20-24). So wherever God's Word specifically identifies something as being sinful or missing the mark of His Righteous Standards, then we cannot say that this particular thing does not miss the mark, we cannot say that it is not sin when God calls something sin, because if we do, that makes us a liar according to 1 John 1:8; because in so doing we are either convincing ourselves or teaching others to deny sin; which is lying. If we persist in this, we end up calling God a liar (1 John 1:10); because we are denying His Standards and claiming that His Standards are not the Truth. Now, it's extremely perilous to be considered a liar by God, so how much more hazardous is it to try and make God into a liar? That's why we must come into agreement with God’s standards and definitions in everything, because we don't want to delude ourselves into believing and teaching that something is okay, when God in fact calls that thing to be sin.
· Lying includes claiming to walk in His light while we actually continually walk in darkness (1 John 1:5-6); claiming to know God, but actually denying Him through our lifestyle (Titus 1:16; cf. Jude 1:4).

· Lying includes adding things to the Word of God which are not there (Proverbs 30:6). It's a dangerous practice because if you allow that habit, you might actually do it at a time where it would lead to perilous consequences (e.g. Revelation 22:18-19).

· Lying includes claiming to know God and Jesus Christ, and yet at the same time refusing to walk according to His Commandments, which is of course the opposite of how Jesus Himself walked, (1 John 2:3-6). If we claim to belong to Him, we need to learn and walk in the same way that He walked.

· Lying includes denying Jesus Christ (John 14:6;1 John 4:22; 1 John 5:10;)

· Lying includes claiming to love God while we hate a brother (1 John 4:20).

· Lying includes hearing God's Word, but not developing the habit of putting God's Word into practice which is self-deception (James 1:22-23).
  • Lying includes claiming true religion while failing to bridle our own mouths, because in so doing, we deceive our hearts (James 1:26)
"Their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."

The ‘Abominable’ Will NOT Enter (Revelation 21:8)

What is an Abomination?
An abomination in the Biblical sense is a desire, an attitude, behavior, or lifestyle that is particularly evil and detestable in the sight of God. In fact abominations are considered by God to be so detestable that they incur God's fierce anger, wrath and violent overthrow. In Biblical language, words and terms like vomit, spew, incensed, and even hatred are used in conjunction with the word, to describe God's reaction to abominable things. Abominable things are considered so wicked by God, that unless one repents and completely forsakes those abominable attitudes and behaviors, God guarantees that they will go to hell for eternity (Revelation 21:8).
When God says that He detests any attitude or behavior to the degree that He calls it an abomination, We MUST take God Seriously. We definitely don't want to be anywhere near it. We don't want to be judged guilty of it. We want to turn away from it and run in a new godly direction as quickly as possible, as one running to escape a burning building or a hail of bullets.
With regard to New Jerusalem, it is written: "But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life."  Rev. 21:27.  Also Rev. 21:8 says, " But the cowardly, unbelieving, [some text adds "and sinners"], abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death."
[Folks, Revelation 21:27, Revelation 21:8 are New Testament Scriptures]
What Types of Things are Abominations?
The following is a list of things the Bible considers an abomination:
  • Unclean things (Lev. 7:21)
  • Customs of pagans (Lev. 18:30)
  • Idols (2 Chr. 15:8; 1 Pet. 4:3)
  • Sins of men (Ps. 14:1; 53:1)
  • Cheating (Mic. 6:10)
  • Lost souls (Rev. 21:8)
  • A froward man (perverse; one who turns aside (Pro. 3:32; 11:20)
  • A proud look (Pro. 6:16-17)
  • A lying tongue (Pro. 6:17; 12:22)
  • Hands that shed innocent blood ((Pro. 6:17)
  • A wicked scheming heart (Pro. 6:18)
  • Feet that are quick to sin (Pro. 6:18)
  • A false witness that speaks lies (Pro. 6:19)
  • A sower of discord (Pro. 6:19)
  • Wickedness (Pro. 8:7)
  • A false balance or scale (Pro. 11:1)
  • Sacrifices of the wicked (Pro. 15:8; 21:27)
  • The way of the wicked (Pro. 15:9)
  • The thoughts of the wicked (Pro. 15:26)
  • The proud of heart (Pro. 16:5)
  • Justifying the wicked (Pro. 17:15)
  • Condemning the just (Pro. 17:15)
  • Divers, dishonest weights (Pro. 20:10, 23)
  • Divers, dishonest measures (Pro. 20:10)
  • Refusing to hear the law (Pro. 28:9)
  • Prayers of the rebel (Pro. 28:9)
  • Eating flesh of peace offerings on the 3rd day (Lev. 7:18)
  • Some same sex acts (Lev. 18:22; 20:13; Dt. 23:18)
  • Taking ornaments from idols when being destroyed (Dt. 7:25-26)
  • Any Idolatrous practices (Dt. 12:31; 13:14; 17:4; 18:9; 20:18; 29:17)
  • Offering an imperfect animal to God as a sacrifice (Dt. 17:1)
  • Any traffic with demons (Dt. 18:7-12; 1 Cor. 10:1-20)
  • Wearing clothes of the opposite sex (Dt. 22:5)
  • Bringing the hire of a harlot or sodomite into God's house (Dt. 23:18)
  • Re-marriage of former spouse (Dt. 24:1-4)
  • Cheating others (Dt. 25:13-16)
  • Making images/idols (Dt. 27:15)
  • Idols of Ammon (1 Ki. 11:5)
  • Idols of Moab (1 Ki. 11:7; 2 Ki. 11:13)
  • Idols of Zidon (2 Ki. 23:13)
  • Incense offered by hypocrites (Isa. 1:13)
  • Eating unclean things (Isa. 66:17-18;)
  • Offering human sacrifices (Jer. 32:35)
  • Robbery (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Murder (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Adultery (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Oppression of others, particularly the poor or vulnerable (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Violence (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Breaking vows (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Lending with interest to a brother (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Lying with a menstruous woman (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Hardness of heart (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Injustice (Ezek. 18: 6-13)
  • Worship of anti-Christ (Dan. 11:31; 12:11; Mt. 24:15; 2 Th. 2:4; Rev. 13)
  • Incest (Lev. 19: 6-30)
  • Things highly esteemed by man (Lk. 16:15)
  • Many other sins of the nations (Lev. 18: 26-29; Dt. 18: 9-12; 20:18; 29:17; 1 Ki. 14:24; 21:2, 11; 23:24; 2 Chr. 28:3; 33:2; 34:33; 36:14; Ezek. 7: 3-20; 8: 6-17; 16: 2-58; 20: 4-30; Rev. 17: 4-5
Spiritual Infidelity
Idolatry: Worshipping false gods and giving children over to false gods (Deut. 7:25; Lev 18:21).
Ungodly stubbornness is also considered worshipping false gods (1 Samuel 15:22-23) Carving images and Icons to worship (Deuteronomy 27:15, 29:17,32:16)
Witchcraft: (Deuteronomy 18:9-14). This also includes a mindset of rebellion (1 Samuel 15:22-23)
Rejecting God's Law or standards (Prov. 28:9)
Jesus in Stark Contrast
Scripture demonstrates that one of the reasons that Almighty God exalted Jesus Christ so highly was that He loved righteousness, and He hated iniquity or wickedness (Hebrews 1:9).  Part of loving God with all our heart soul mind and strength (Matthew 22:36-40), requires that we hate what is evil (Proverbs 8:13).
Scripture is abundantly clear that God will not allow people who love the wicked things listed in the last sections, or who accept or celebrate these wicked things as though they were good, or those who practice those evil things, to live in the Kingdom of Heaven with Him. If we are accepting of, or doing any of these types of things, we must be earnest and get serious about repenting and turning away from such evil things. God is serious about judging and punishing those who do not turn away from all of these wicked things.
We must change our mind to agree with God's standards, we must then confess our sins, completely turn away from them, and do right with God’s power helping us. That is the definition of genuine repentance.

The Coming Punishment for Wickedness
Without exception, God’s true prophets, Messiah and the apostles all spoke about the judgment of God and the punishment for those who stubbornly choose to hold onto wickedness instead of accepting God's forgiveness and the way of grace that He provides. God will seriously punish wickedness in the severest terms. Jesus Himself described the place of punishment as one of unending agony (e.g. Luke 16:19-31). Seven times He described it as a place of outer darkness where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (e.g. Matthew 25:30). It's described as a place where there is no rest from torment (Revelation 14:11).

Which Discomfort and Which Offense Do You Choose?
You say, all that stuff is troubling. That's not hopeful. That's not optimistic. You say, that's disturbing and offensive. To that statement I say, amen. At the same time, I put this question. Choose your disturbance. Choose your offense. When would you rather be disturbed? Would you rather be disturbed and shook up and discomforted now, when you can actually repent and do something about it, or would you rather be disturbed, disquieted, and shook up when Almighty God and Jesus Christ declares that he didn't know you because you did not care to repent and do the Father's will, instead of your own? When would you rather be disturbed? Which humiliation and discomfort would you prefer? I offer you this scriptural study on what God says will not enter His kingdom and I beg you to be earnest, to be zealous and to repent if you are engaged in any of these desires, thoughts attitudes behaviors and lifestyles which God says will not inherit His Kingdom.
The Very First Step- Take God Seriously
A good first step (but only the first step), could be a prayer like this one:
"Father Almighty God, please save me from what looks good to my own eyes. If any of the things which You say are not allowed in Your Kingdom, exist within me, I ask you to help me to spot and recognize them for the sin that You say they are. Help me to confess them, help me to turn away and to truly repent from them. Rip those things out of me, and truly nail them to the cross and kill them, before they harm me in my relationship and my walk with you. Instead, fill me with Your love, Your righteousness, Your grace, Your Truth, and Your True Salvation. Help me to make concrete plans according to the Lord's instructions, and to walk accordingly. Grant me true courage and grace to love what You love, to hate what You hate, and to choose and to do what is truly good, right, and pleasing in Your sight. Grant me Your True Grace and courage not only to pray these words, but to truly live according to these words, so that I may dwell in Your Kingdom and sweet Fellowship forever; not by my might or my own power, but through Messiah and your Holy Spirit working in me, help me to practice walking as a true citizen of your Kingdom, until it is fully realized, and I completely dwell in Your everlasting joy. Mercifully grant it Oh LORD." Amen.
A Good Second Step- Become Zealous about Repenting (Revelation 3:19)
Learn to walk in and use the grace of God as He intended it. Don't turn it into a license to sin. Doing that is the same as denying Jesus Christ (Jude 1:4). Yes, God's grace absolutely does provide forgiveness when I realize, when I agree with God, and I admit that I have fallen short of HIS standards. At the same time the true and real grace of God also gives me the power to desire, to choose, and to progressively do what God says pleases HIM, and to successfully turn away from what God says doesn't please Him, and to overcome those things. Whenever I can walk in that manner, I don't just think I'm under grace, I KNOW I'm walking in God's grace.
A Good Third Step-Choose to Be Spurred on, More than Comforted
Honestly, the last thing we need in these last days is to be made more comfortable in our garbage. We all have those people in our lives that push us to read God's Word more carefully, and to obey it more closely, and they push us to confront and overcome our sin and weaknesses. They are so aggravating, aren't they? It's tempting to want to be comfortable and to avoid confronting our sin and weaknesses. Sometimes it really feels like a pain to push ourselves to overcome them. It's tempting to avoid those confrontations and hang around those people and situations that make us more comfortable. However, if overcoming is truly my goal, then I need, I mean truly NEED those aggravating people and situations in my life, who will push me to obey God more and not less in these last days (Hebrews 10:24-25).
May God bless you as you cooperate with his work of grace in your lives, so that you may overcome.
Brother R. Michel Lankford

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