The first principle of authentic Christian discipleship is that we must choose to look at and define any key words, concepts principles and ideas the way that God Himself looks at them and defines them in His Word.
This Blog Will Discuss:
- What Is Worship?
- What is idolatry?
- Where is that in the Bible ?
- Attitudes make a difference in worship
In the last few blog entries we've been dealing with the question of worship. In the original Hebrew and Greek biblical languages, to worship literally means, to bend one's being, bow down and prostrate oneself toward something. Our English term worship literally comes from the term worth-ship. This means to esteem and treat as having the highest value or worth in one's life and practice.
In effect, whatever or whoever you ultimately obey or follow is what you are worshiping, because you are bending your will and your behavior toward that person or principle. That's why for example we are told that even when we work for another person, we are to work as unto the Lord (Colossians 3:22-25). In effect, not only will this earn you a better reputation and witness for Christ on the job, not only will it bring eternal rewards from the Ultimate Judge, but keeping God as your focus when you make your choices at work will prevent you from worshiping your job, which of course would become idolatry in and of itself.
When we talk about worship of Yahweh through Messiah Jesus, who is our Great High Priest, what we are saying is that Almighty God is the One in our lives who holds our highest esteem. His Word, together with bringing delight to His heart is our highest priority and desire.
To worship successfully literally means that our heart, our mindsets, our attitudes, our desires, motives, our plans, and our behaviors, all purposely been themselves toward what Almighty God desires and says. That's what it means to worship.
To put it in practical real-life terms, when I make excuses for disobeying God's word, or I choose to fulfill my own desires instead of God's, in that moment I am really worshiping self, because in that moment, I am esteeming my own opinion, my own wishes and desires ahead of God.
For some of you, what I just said makes perfect sense. For others, this may sound different, or even a little high-minded. This brings about a very important teachable moment that is useful for any up-and-coming disciple, which of course being who I am, I cannot let it pass without addressing it.
When you hear something different than what you may have been taught to believe, it is okay to question it. The key is to remain open to the Holy Spirit and to the Scriptures so that you can at least remain teachable, in case it's possible that you may have been taught incorrectly; (sometimes even for our whole lives).
The constant chorus which we ought to keep in mind in order to remain teachable, but still hold fast to sound doctrine are these:
• Is it opinion, or is it Scripture? Is what this teacher presenting, is it his own opinion or can it be thoroughly backed up and supported by Scripture?
• "Where is that written?" Where do you see that in the Bible? Remember and never forget that Jesus Christ defeated even the devil himself by using the rightly divided written Word of God. If it's good enough for Messiah, then it is good enough for us (Matthew chapter 4; Luke chapter 4).
Now, some people tend to dislike what is called "proof text" preaching or teaching. That is preaching or teaching where every major point is thoroughly supported by a proof text or Scripture. To be honest, that is the only type of preaching and teaching that I prefer to either listen to or practice, because honestly, the only opinion that matters is God's and Jesus Christ's. I love you, but I was not born for you. I did not live a sinless life to redeem you, I was not resurrected from the dead for you. I did not overcome sin, death, hell, and the grave for you, but Almighty God through His Son Jesus Christ did. As much as I love you, I still better prove everything I say by the rightly divided written word of God, because His is the only opinion that makes any difference
So, when I say things like: "When I make excuses for disobeying God's word, or I choose to fulfill my own desires instead of God's, in that moment I am really worshiping self, because in that moment, I am esteeming my own opinion, my own wishes and desires ahead of God." What should your first question be, if you're going to remain open to learning and growing in the Lord, but also remain steadfast in sound doctrine? Remember both are critical.
The first thing you should ask yourself: "Is this Michel's own personal opinion or is it truly supported by the rightly divided written word of God?" If it is truly supported by rightly divided Scripture, then Michel just spoke or wrote under God's authority. At that point you become responsible for obeying it because you want to obey God in what you heard.
If on the other hand, what I said or wrote was not thoroughly supported by the rightly divided written word of God, then it becomes a matter of my own personal opinion or interpretation. At that point, your responsibility changes. You should investigate it further to see if it is truly wise counsel, and therefore it will not hurt you to follow it. Or, if when you investigate it, you find that it is contrary to the Scriptures, you are free to dismiss it. However, you are commanded to investigate it if it's possible. For as it is written:
“Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil. ” (1 Thessalonians 5:16–22, NASB95)
So, when I say, " When I make excuses for disobeying God's word, or I choose to fulfill my own desires instead of God's, in that moment I am really worshiping self, because in that moment, I am esteeming my own opinion, my own wishes and desires ahead of God." What is your first question supposed to be? Your very first question needs to be, "Is at opinion, or is it Scripture?" Your second question, "Where is that in the Bible?"
In the vast majority of cases, I try to be extremely diligent about not teaching my opinion, but you still need to ask the questions anyway. In this case, I spoke directly out of scriptural principle. For as it is written:
"So Samuel [Remember Samuel was an anointed prophet of Almighty God] said: “Has the LORD as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, As in obeying the voice of the LORD? Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice, And to heed than the fat of rams.
For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, He also has rejected you from being king.” (1 Samuel 15:22-23 - NKJV with explanation in brackets, and bold for emphasis added).
As it is further written:
Therefore put to death your members which are on the earth: fornication, uncleanness, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry (Colossians 3:5 - NKJV with bold added for emphasis).
Now, please look back at the most recent underlined portion of this document, where I describe fulfilling my own wishes and desires as being the worship of self. Was I speaking my own opinion, or was I speaking in complete agreement with the words and principles of Almighty God?
So, here Scripture clearly identifies stubbornness; holding onto my own desires, holding onto my own traditions, holding onto my own opinions, and coveting; craving my own wants passions and desires, ahead of obeying and being content with what God says or provides, then God Himself, through His Prophet and His apostle defines it as the sin of worshiping false gods. It's idolatry, period, end of story.
Beloved, believe it or not this is an eternal life or death issue. If Almighty God says that He delights in something, that He wants us to do things in a particular way, or he wants us to give up world void certain things, then we better make up our minds to come into agreement with him and obey Him. If we insist on stubbornly holding onto her own cravings and desires and appetites when God says, "No," then we are in danger of not inheriting the kingdom of heaven. How do I know that? God's word says it outright:
- We know that stubbornness is equal to idolatry in God's eyes
- We know that rebellion is equal to witchcraft according to the Scriptures.
We know that coveting is equal to idolatry according to the Scriptures.
Scripture is abundantly clear that those who retain such attitudes and behaviors consisting of either witchcraft or idolatry will not inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21).
In point of fact, if we retain those behaviors as part of our lives (then we will go to hell (Revelation 21:8). God forbid, and rather help us to repent). God is not kidding. If He says He doesn't like something, and we are attracted to it, then we better cooperate with God and allow Him to change our appetites and attractions. If He says that he delights in particular attitudes and behaviors, then we better start cooperating with God and let Him change our wants to agree with what delights Him. Do not be deceived. This is a life-and-death, a salvation or damnation issue.
Closing Prayer:
Almighty God Most High, have mercy upon me. As we enter Your Feast and appointed time known as The Feast of Unleavened Bread within the next few weeks, please help me to remove the yeast and leaven of sin out of my life. Help me to submit to You and to cooperate with You at every step. Graciously remove from my heart, my being, my character, my motives, my desires, and my behaviors anything and everything that is unfit to dwell in Your Eternal Kingdom. In light of this study, please remove all manner of idolatry, witchcraft and coveting, and help me to submit and cooperate with You, as you accomplish this great work of grace in my life. Help me instead to worship you as you deserve and desire to be worshiped. Help me to delight in, and to pursue what is truly pleasing to You. Mercifully transform my entire being so that you will find my worship a delight to Your heart. Please grant this according to Your unfailing love, and the work of Your Messiah Jesus, amen.
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