The first principle of authentic Christian discipleship is that we must choose to look at and define any key words, concepts principles and ideas the way that God Himself looks at them and defines them in His Word.
This Blog Will Discuss:
- To Be Holy means to be set apart or separated onto God for a sacred purpose
- An outline of Ezekiel 22:24-31
- The Holy God of Heaven makes absolute distinctions
- Developing a whole testament perspective, not just an Old or New Testament perspective.
- What Wise Christians should glean from Ezekiel 22: 24-31
- Faithfulness Starts n the Little Things
Ezekiel 22:24-31 "Son of man, say to her, 'You are a land that is not cleansed or rained on in the day of indignation.' "There is a conspiracy of her prophets in her midst like a roaring lion tearing the prey. They have devoured lives; they have taken treasure and precious things; they have made many widows in the midst of her. "Her priests have done violence to My law and have profaned My holy things; they have made no distinction between the holy and the profane, and they have not taught the difference between the unclean and the clean; and they hide their eyes from My sabbaths, and I am profaned among them. "Her princes within her are like wolves tearing the prey, by shedding blood and destroying lives in order to get dishonest gain. "Her prophets have smeared whitewash for them, seeing false visions and divining lies for them, saying, 'Thus says the Lord GOD,' when the LORD has not spoken. "The people of the land have practiced oppression and committed robbery, and they have wronged the poor and needy and have oppressed the sojourner without justice. "I searched for a man among them who would build up the wall and stand in the gap before Me for the land, so that I would not destroy it; but I found no one. "Thus I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; their way I have brought upon their heads," declares the Lord GOD. (Ezekiel 22:24-31 NASB)
Guiding Principles
(just from the reading of the plain text, and breaking it down into its primary clauses)
Almighty God is indicting the priest of Three primary crimes
a) They have done violence to the law of the Lordb) They have profaned my holy things
c) Causing people to offend and profane the LORD because they have failed to uphold His standards
According to God, how was this violence against this law perpetrated?
a) Failure to make clear distinctions (in their case they failed to make any distinctions, let alone clear ones), concerning what is holy and common, or clean and what is unclean.b) They have disregarded my Sabbaths, so that I am profaned among them. This is actually causing God to be dishonored in the society (that is a real big deal).
c) Government Officials Destroying lives, and shedding blood to obtain dishonest gain (This is greed of a very high magnitude), and the prophets of God excusing them for it, perhaps even helping leaders cover it up.
d) The prophets seeing and declaring false visions, and divining lies for them.
e) As a result, the attitude of greed and the behavior of robbery has trickled down to the people. So they have oppressed the poor and needy, and they have extorted from travelers without facing justice, or being punished for it.
The LORD seeks a remedy and gives the people a chance to do right
The Lord sought for a man who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before God (a.k.a. be a real priest i.e. Moses in Exodus 32:1-6), on behalf of the land, so that God would not have to destroy it in his righteous justice. The biggest problem is that God found no such man. He found no real priest that would recognize the sin, called the people to genuine repentance, and intercede for the people so that God would not have to destroy them. Having found no real priest who would stand in the breach, God would bring the following judgment and punishment:
a) the Lord poured out his indignation upon Them.
b) The Lord returned their way upon their own heads. In other words, their sin devoured that society, and they would be destroyed.
The Application to the Believer Today
1. As believers who follow God and Jesus Christ, the temptation is to say, well, we are exempt from these precepts and standards because that was Old Testament. Furthermore, some of us might say we are not priests or leaders in the church, so this doesn't apply to us. One could say that such an argument is very popular. One could say this is a very traditional way of thinking. What one cannot rightly say is that this philosophy which is taught as doctrine is true, because it is not true. It is a very comforting self-delusion which has been long accepted, but that does not make it true in the eyes of the Almighty, and His Son Jesus Christ who is the Truth. What's more, I can prove what I'm saying using primarily New Testament sources:a). Do you agree that Ezekiel was a prophet of Almighty God? Do you agree that the Bible is Scripture? If you agree to those two things then you cannot ignore Ezekiel on the basis of
2 Timothy 3:16-17 All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NASB)Folks, last time I checked 2 Timothy was written in the New Testament. I'm just sayin'.
Romans 15:4 For whatever was written in earlier times was written for our instruction, so that through perseverance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope. Romans 15:4 (NASB)b. God does not change. (Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29; Hebrews 13:8). The words, commands and principles that Almighty God declared in the Hebrew Scriptures will still be true in the Fulfillment Scriptures. In God's economy there is virtually no division between the two. In fact Messiah openly declared that He not only came to fulfill God's law, but that greater standards of righteousness would be required from us (Matthew 5:17-20). Moreover, Messiah clearly stated that anyone who diminishes His standards would be called least in the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:19). This principle will remain in effect until our present heaven and earth are passed away, (Matthew 5:18). So you can see how critical it is that we interpret the Scriptures correctly, using the whole text of Scripture as our guideline and not negating anything that God has caused to be written as Holy Scripture. So to say that these precepts do not apply to us because they are in the Old Testament is first to deny the very words of Jesus Christ. It requires that we deny the direct teaching of the apostles. Moreover, it is then to take the risk of becoming the least in the kingdom of heaven. So, if you want to continue to take that risk, that is your choice, but I do not recommend it and I earnestly recommend making a different and wiser choice. That's up to you.
2. We are members of God's priesthood. We are not exempt simply because we are not in the position of leadership in the church. I can say that because 1 Peter 2:9 says that believers are in fact, a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. We are God's special people called out of darkness and into his marvelous light. So in fact we are a member of God's priesthood in light of the fact that we have received and accepted Jesus Christ. Therefore we cannot correctly say that Ezekiel 22:26-31, does not apply to us.
3. Failure to uphold God's true definitions and standards is an act of violence against God and His Law. Beloved, that is why I always say that the first principle of Christian discipleship is to always define every key word, every idea and every principle in the same way that God Himself defines it in His word. Something is a success when God says it is successful according to His measure of success. Something is only holy, when God says it is. It's only righteous when God says it is, and something is sin when God defines it as sin. My definitions MUST change to come into agreement with His. I've said it before, and it bears repeating again. Discipleship is about growing to agreement with God's opinion, not expecting God to adjust Himself or His standards to suit our own personal preferences. He is God, we are not. Even the failure to make clear distinctions between holy and unholy or clean and unclean as God defines those terms, then you are committing an act of violence against God, and you could be leading other people to profane the very God of Heaven. That is certainly not behavior worthy of a Christian. It is not behavior worthy of the priestly generation which is supposed to help people bridge the gap between themselves and God by upholding God's standards.
4. The Sabbath principle: From the traditional church perspective, it may be somewhat difficult to discern why the prophet brought in a discussion of the Sabbath at this particular point in his discourse, but looking at it from a Whole Testament perspective, the discussion makes sense. I encourage you to think about it for a moment. The whole discourse is about failing to recognize and make clear and proper distinctions between what God calls holy, and what is unholy or profane in His sight, right? What was the very first thing in all of creation which God set apart for Himself? Folks, it is a fact that the very first thing in all of creation that God sanctified, made Holy and set apart, sanctified and blessed for His unique purpose, was the seventh day Sabbath Genesis 2:3. So in effect, the prophet was going back to the very beginning. He was demonstrating that from the very beginning, God Himself made some clear distinctions, and we should do the same. Moreover, the prophet was also demonstrating that failure to make the distinctions which agree with God in the regular issues of daily life, will also lead to disrespecting God's standards in all other areas of life as well.
Let me be very clear on this, I strongly believe that believers in Jesus Christ are free to meet together for worship and fellowship throughout all seven days of the week if that is what they choose to do. I even believe that God would even bless the gathering, because wherever two or more of us are gathered in His Name, He is in our midst (Matthew 18:20). However, I emphatically state that no one may rightly call any of those other six days on which they choose to meet as the Sabbath . The weekly Sabbath of the Lord is still the Sabbath of the Lord, and it is still on the seventh day (from Friday sundown, to Saturday sundown) is still the Sabbath of the Lord. Jesus Christ was resurrected on the feast of first fruits which we know that year, fell on the first day of the week, which made Him the first among many brethren. However nowhere in Scripture does it record any change in the Holy Sabbath of the Lord. Please do not be deceived.
5. God and His standards must control my appetite and guide my choices. Let me give you an example. Let's say that I'm trying to make a decision about watching a TV show or going to a particular movie. How do I make the decision about what to choose? Well, what are some of God's requirements about how I am to live? Here is a clue. Please look at each of the different clauses as they are underlined below. This gives you an idea of how to evaluate your choices, and what ought to be our standards.
1 Peter 1:13-16 Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, "YOU SHALL BE HOLY, FOR I AM HOLY." 1 (Peter 1:13-16 NASB)a) Is it going to reaffirm and build up godly precepts in my mind, or is this movie going to spend 90 minutes of my life, mocking and rebelling against godly things, and trying to make me believe that it really doesn't matter whether I obey God or not? How you answer that question makes a difference, because faith comes by hearing (Romans 10:17; Psalms 1; Galatians 6:7-9)
b) Is this book, movie or TV show, portraying what God calls evil as being evil? Is it portraying what God calls good as being good? If it does this, then it could be worth while. However, if on the other hand my choice of entertainment treats the things that Almighty God would call good, and portrays it as being evil, or if it takes ideas concepts and behaviors that Almighty God would call wicked, but my entertainment portrays these things as though they were good, then God pronounces a woeful judgment against that type of thinking and behavior, (Isaiah 5:20-24). Folks, the people who know me understand that I enjoy fun as much as the next person. I have a terrific sense of humor and make a lot of people laugh. Nonetheless, I refuse to be entertained by things such as Harry Potter, Desperate Housewives and The Office, just to name a few. Why? It's not because I'm a prude. It's not because I don't like having fun. I enjoy fun quite a bit. The problem is that all the genres; things like Harry Potter, Desperate Housewives and The Office among others; each of these treats ideas concepts and behaviors that Almighty God calls wicked, and these entertainments all treat ideas like sorcery and witchcraft, adultery and fornication and crude joking and it portrays each of these things as though they were good things. That's dangerous, and no person who wants to be Godly could take such a position. Things like sorcery and witchcraft, adultery and fornication, crude joking and lack of mouth control, they are not really funny.
No true Christian should have an appetite or be entertained by such things, because God does not find them fun or amusing. In fact, these things are so completely not funny, that's sorcery, adultery, fornication and lack of mouth control can and will lead someone to eternal hell, if they don't radically turn away from those types of things (Matthew 12:36; 1 Corinthians 6:9-10; Galatians 5:19-21; Revelation 21:8). Why would anybody who has any regard for their immortal being willfully choose to train their appetites to find delight in those things which God says belong in hell? If hell is not where you're planning on spending eternity, then why ever would you be so foolish as to train your appetites to enjoy, to delight in and to be entertained by ideas, concepts, mindsets, attitudes and behaviors which Almighty God says belong in hell?
Some people reading this article might be tempted to ask, why are you choosing to talk about how we choose to be entertained? Aren't there more important things about the Christian life of faith and practice? Aren't these issues of fun and entertainment largely insignificant? Why are you making such a big deal about such things?
To all these questions I answer, you are absolutely right. On the surface these issues don't appear to be life-and-death issues. Really they are just about fun and games. In a way though, that is exactly what makes them so important. Here is why I say that. In one sense this issue is not life-and-death. Ultimately, I'm not going to die if I choose to abandon any of these entertainments altogether. However, in another sense, if it is so insignificant, then why not allow Almighty God and His Standards to direct my appetites and choices in my entertainments? If it is as insignificant as I claim it is, then letting God and Jesus Christ be Lord and Master over it should be easy for me, shouldn't it? However, if I find it hard to obey and glorify God in my entertainment choices, then maybe it's got a bigger hold on my life than I thought it did. In which case it becomes all the more important that I learn to surrender this area of my life to God God. Moreover, there is another principle at work. If I do not learn to make distinctions between holy and unholy, or between clean and unclean in the so called insignificant things of life (such as my entertainments), then I will not be able to be faithful in making those Godly distinctions in the much bigger issues of life. How do I know that? I know it because Jesus said so. As it is written:
Luke 16:10 "He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he who is unrighteous in a very little thing is unrighteous also in much. (NASB)
In closing, we must learn to make clear distinctions between holy and unholy, clean and unclean, right and wrong. We must make these distinctions in a manner that is completely agreeable with God's Words and Precepts. Almighty God views the failure to do this as an act of violence against Him and His laws. Moreover, it is the failure to make these very clear distinctions between holy and unholy, clean and unclean, right and wrong which leads to an ineffectual congregation and moral decay in the society as a whole. God is looking for people who will elevate His Standards back into their proper place, and intercede before God onbehalf of those who are wayward. We should be pleading with God to restore those who are claiming to be His followers, so that a reverential respect to the Lord will permeate the land and he will save us from devastation (2 Chronicles 7:14). Let it be sweet Jesus.
Brother Michel Lankford
Michel, I agree whole heartily. I would add that it is easy to allow our entertainment choices to incrementaly decline over time. We all know time is the ally of deceit.........tic tic tic tic