Topics covered include:
How should I respond when I encounter a biblical command?
What is a disciple?
Defining our terms as YHWH defines them
What Is Sin?
What does repent mean?
What does confess mean?
What is required for me to receive forgiveness for my sins
Discipleship Rules of Thumb, (building your discipleship
Messiah's Great Commission was that we should go and MAKE
disciples… And that we should teach them TO OBEY EVERYTHING that He Commanded,
(Matthew 28:19-20). Our mission is; first to BE disciples, and then to help
MAKE disciples in the very manner in which Messiah HIMSELF prescribed that we
should do it.
With YHWH's help we will endeavor to have a teaching on
every single command which Messiah gave in the New Testament and to give
practical and useful tips on how to begin implementing these into our everyday
life as believers.
In this FIRST lesson of the series, we will be exploring
Messiah’s FIRST public Command in the Renewed Covenant, (a.k.a. New Testament),
and will discuss in practical ways how to be a DOER of this critical and
foundational Commandment; because your future ability to correctly walk with
Messiah as His disciple absolutely depends on getting this one right first.
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