Thursday, October 6, 2016

Compelled By Love to Teach Torah


Please consider the following passage carefully:

2 Thessalonians 2:7-12
As it is Written:
For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will kill with the breath of his mouth and bring to nothing by the appearance of his coming. 9 The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, 10 and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, 12 in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


1. We know that scripture describes only three things to be truth:
YHWH'S Word is Truth (John 17:17).
YHWH'S LAW is Truth (Psalm 119:142; Psalm 119:151; Psalm 119:160).
YHWH'S Messiah is Truth (John 14:6).

2. We know according to 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12; that if people persist in rejecting the truth, that Yahweh Himself will send a strong spirit of delusion upon them. Yahweh Himself will turn them over to believing a LIE if they persist in rejecting the truth. Please look at the above passage again. Please consider this serious implications.
3. Since we know that the Torah is the truth: YHWH'S LAW is Truth (Psalm 119:142; Psalm 119:151; Psalm 119:160); the implication is staggering. Think about it. According to 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12; those who persist in rejecting the Torah are in danger of being turned over by YHWH to a spirit of delusion which will cause them to accept the Antichrist when he comes; because they rejected the truth, and took pleasure in unrighteousness; (which by biblical definition is breaking Torah; that is what unrighteousness means).
4. This is WHY I feel so earnestly COMPELLED to strongly invite as many people as I can to come into believing the WHOLE Testament of scripture including obeying Torah, wherever possible; because the alternative is dangerously tragic. I don't want people that I dearly love, to be turned over to a spirit of delusion where they will believe the lie, and accept the Antichrist, because they were wrongly taught to despise and reject the Torah of YHWH in the name of grace. The evidence is further compelling when one remembers the words of Messiah in Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew 13:41-42; Matthew 24:12-13.
My love and earnest concern for the brethren compels me to teach that we should practice keeping the Torah wherever possible, to prevent lawlessness, and the strong delusion and destruction that is to come.
The issue my dear friends is NOT that I have lost faith in the New Testament. The issue is that I BELIEVE the New Testament exceedingly well. Even according to Paul in The, "New Testament," rejecting the truth; (rejecting the written Torah), is ANYTHING BUT SAFE!
I believe that the words and the meaning of 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12 are TRUE. Will you as a Christian truly believe the words of the, "New Testament, or will you not?"
Let they who are wise and discerning understand and take heed of these words.
Brother R Michel Lankford

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Christian Bible Challenge

Explaining SOME KEY Whole Testament theology Basics in less then 7 Minutes

Avinu (Our Father) The Lord's Prayer

Messiah's Teaching Prayer Model in Hebrew. Blessed be YHWH. Omein!!

Friday, April 15, 2016

A Simple Request...

I have a simple heartfelt request for ALL Christians, and for ALL who claim saving faith in the Messiah. It's not hard. It's very simple and straightforward. IF you TRULY believe that Paul is a legitimate apostle of the Messiah, then I BEG you to please STOP making Paul into a LIAR. Please STOP preaching a lawless grace which is CONTRARY to what PAUL SAID that he believed and practiced himself, [Acts 24:14; Acts 25:7-10; Acts 28:17]. Thank you very much for your kind attention and consideration. 

Brother R Michel Lankford

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Pauline Dilemma

By Brother R. Michel Lankford

Paul Teaching in the Synagogues

Whether modern Christians want to face up to it or not, 2 Timothy 3:16-17 creates a number of HUGE dilemmas for modern-day traditional Christianity.
ISSUE: You have to ask yourself if you REALLY BELIEVE the, "New Testament." 

FACT: Paul the apostle of Grace wrote these words more than 20 years AFTER the death and the resurrection of the Messiah. 

FACT: When Paul the apostle wrote these words, there was NO such thing as the, "New Testament.” We did not have a compiled New Testament until AFTER A.D. 300. 

FACT: That means that when Paul the apostle referred to, "The SCRIPTURES," Paul could ONLY be referring to the Old Testament; [Genesis through Malachi], because in Paul's day, that is all the SCRIPTURE that they had.

Now either Paul was telling the truth in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, or he was not. Either Paul was telling the truth when he said that ALL Scripture IS God-Breathed, or Paul was wrong. 

FACT: YHWH's Laws, Commandments, and the Instructions in the Torah, [Genesis through Deuteronomy]; it IS part of Scripture. Therefore, the Torah of YHWH, IS, STILL profitable for doctrine and teaching. The Torah of Yahweh is STILL profitable to reprove and to correct us. The Torah of Yahweh is STILL profitable to instruct us in righteousness before YHWH Almighty God.

FACT: IF you claim that the Torah of YHWH is no longer valid and no longer profitable to instruct us how to be righteous before YHWH Almighty God, then you are saying that Paul was WRONG in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

IF on the other hand, Paul was RIGHT and he told the TRUTH in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, then the Torah IS STILL PROFITABLE to train me in Righteousness before YHWH, and the Torah COULD NOT have been abolished and done away with at the cross.

Something can either remain profitable to train me in righteousness, or something can be done away with, abolished, made null and void, and it becomes useless and unnecessary; but something cannot BOTH, be rendered meaningless and abolished, and still remain useful and profitable to train me in righteousness and equip me for every good work, at the same time. So which is it?

FACT: According to Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, ALL Scripture, [which INCLUDES Torah], IS still profitable for doctrine and teaching, for reproving and for correcting, and for instructing us on how to be righteous before YHWH Almighty God; and according to Paul himself, part of Torah’s PURPOSE is to CAUSE us to be perfected, and thoroughly equipped for every good work.

This again creates another serious dilemma for the modern Christian:

FACT: If you decide that no, the Torah was done away with and abolished at the cross, then once again you are saying the Paul was WRONG, and we don’t really need ALL of Scripture to make us complete and thoroughly equipped and thoroughly furnished to every good work. So if we don’t need the Torah to make us complete and to thoroughly equip us for every good work, then once again you are saying that Paul was WRONG in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

That concept creates another huge dilemma in and of itself. If Paul was saying that the Torah was invalidated at the cross, then that would mean that Paul CONTRADICTED himself here in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. IF the Torah of YHWH was done away with at the cross, that means that Paul got THIS WRONG in 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

That idea begs another HUGE question. IF the Torah of YHWH has in fact been abolished at the cross, then it is no longer valid to instruct me on how to be righteous before YHWH. That would mean that the Torah can no longer perfect me or equip me for every good work, as Paul said that it could. So IF Paul was wrong in what he said about Torah in 2 Timothy 3:16-17; then WHAT ELSE did Paul get WRONG? If Paul is wrong about Torah in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, then WHERE ELSE did Paul miss the boat? If he missed once here, then he can miss again, right?

DILEMMA If Paul was WRONG in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, then Paul would also be a FALSE teacher by definition, and this would mean that NONE of those other Pauline doctrines which APPEAR to say that the Torah has been abolished could be valid or reliable either.

IF on the other hand, you decide that the apostle Paul was RIGHT and CORRECT in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, then the Torah of YHWH CANNOT be abolished at the cross, because according to Paul, we still NEED Torah to form good doctrine, to teach us, to correct and reprove us, to instruct us and how to be righteous before YHWH, and to perfect us, to complete us, and to make us thoroughly equipped for every good work.

FACT: If you AGREE with Paul in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, then Paul clearly said that believers CANNOT be THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED for every good work WITHOUT basing their doctrine on Torah, along with all the other Scriptures.

According to Paul, in 2 Timothy 3:16-17, we still need to base our doctrine and instructions on the Torah, and without it we CANNOT be thoroughly equipped for every good work. That creates a HUGE dilemma for modern Christian theology, whether they like it or not.

I believe that Paul was CORRECT and telling the TRUTH in 2 Timothy 3:16-17. I believe that the Torah of YHWH IS STILL PROFITABLE for all the functions that Paul describes, but that CLEARLY means that modern Christians have MISUNDERSTOOD and MISINTERPRETED Paul’s teachings when it APPEARS that Paul was teaching AGAINST the Torah of YHWH. Paul was NOT teaching AGAINST Torah, as it sometimes APPEARS that he was teaching, according to the traditional Christian; because that would FORCE too many other things that Paul said to become FALSE, IF the traditional understanding of Paul’s doctrines were in fact correct.


Brother R Michel Lankford.

Monday, March 28, 2016

Are we fulfilling the Greatest Commandment?

Many modern-day Babylonian Christians are fond of believing that the ONLY Commandments we must obey is to, ‘“Love” God with all of our heart soul mind and strength,’ and to, ‘”Love,” our neighbor as ourselves.’ (Matthew 22:36-40). Most of them FALSELY believe that as long as they do these two things they have fulfilled the requirements of the Law, and so they can ignore any other biblical instruction which they don’t happen to personally favor.
One HUGE problem is that in most cases they REFUSE to define LOVE the way that the Almighty Father defines love in His Word.
The definition and description of love is found in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. So if we do not practice doing these things, then we are NOT being loving, regardless of what we claim.
Part of the biblical definition of love is that DOES NOT rejoice in iniquity, but love rejoices in the truth.
So if I am rejoicing in what the Bible defines to be iniquity, then I’m not being loving according to the biblical definition of the term, [1 Corinthians 13:6].
If I REFUSE to rejoice in what the Bible defines to be truth, then I am NOT being loving, according to the biblical definition of the term.
The Bible CLEARLY defines the Torah of YHWH, (His Laws, His Commandments, and His Instructions), to be EVERLASTING TRUTH.
If you rejoice in violating, His Laws, His Commandments, and His Instructions, then you are rejoicing in what the Bible defines to be iniquity, and you are NOT being loving according to 1 Corinthians 13:6.
If you REFUSE to REJOICE in the TRUTH, (which by definition INCLUDES the Torah, which is EVERLASTING TRUTH), then by definition, you are NOT being loving, according to the biblical definition of the term; which means that you are VIOLATING the Greatest Commandment, and NOT fulfilling the Greatest Commandment at all, according to the clear definitions of Scripture.
If you refuse to rejoice in the Truth, (which INCLUDES the Torah), then you are NOT walking in
Love, (1 Cor. 13:6). If you are NOT walking in Love, then you are
BREAKING and NOT keeping the Greatest Commandment

As it is written:
By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God and obey his commandments.” (1 John 5:2, ESV)
As it is written:
For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3, ESV)
The Bottom Line: IF you rejoice in violating YHWH’s Laws, Commandments, and His Instructions, then you are rejoicing in iniquity, and you are NOT being loving according to (1 Corinthians 13:6). IF you DO NOT REJOICE in the Torah of YHWH, then you are NOT REJOICING in the TRUTH, (John 17:17; Psalm 119:142; Psalm 119:151; Psalm 119:160; John 14:6). IF you are NOT REJOICING in the TRUTH, then you are NOT walking in LOVE, according to (1 Corinthians 13:6).
This would mean that you would be VIOLATING the Greatest Commandment, and NOT fulfilling the Greatest Commandment at all. You can claim that you love not all you want; but in order for your statement to be true, you have to define loving God, the way that HE defines what it means to love Him.

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

8th Commandment-Watch Your Mouth

We quite literally have the power of Eternal Life, or Eternal Condemnation; and it's all less than an inch under our nose. If we are going to walk as successful and overcoming disciples in YHWH and in Messiah, we MUST develop mouth control. It's not optional. It's IMPERATIVE.

If you want to become a disciple, or make disciples the way that Messiah told us to make them, subscribe to our YouTube channel:




Thursday, February 11, 2016

Messiah's 5th Command-Matthew 5.17

Messiah gave clear directions that we were to go and MAKE disciples. He told us HOW to make disciples; by teaching them how to obey EVERYTHING that He Commanded, (Matthew 28:19-20). So we are Trying to be faithful that specific Command and Instruction. We are going through EVERY Command that Messiah gave in the "New Testament."

As it is written: 

“Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17, NASB95)

Since Messiah said "Do NOT think this way, why do Christians insist on thinking  things Messiah SAID NOT to think?

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

How do we Repent?

Topics covered include:
How should I respond when I encounter a biblical command?
What is a disciple?
Defining our terms as YHWH defines them
What Is Sin?
What does repent mean?
What does confess mean?
What is required for me to receive forgiveness for my sins
Discipleship Rules of Thumb, (building your discipleship toolkit)

Messiah's Great Commission was that we should go and MAKE disciples… And that we should teach them TO OBEY EVERYTHING that He Commanded, (Matthew 28:19-20). Our mission is; first to BE disciples, and then to help MAKE disciples in the very manner in which Messiah HIMSELF prescribed that we should do it.
With YHWH's help we will endeavor to have a teaching on every single command which Messiah gave in the New Testament and to give practical and useful tips on how to begin implementing these into our everyday life as believers.
In this FIRST lesson of the series, we will be exploring Messiah’s FIRST public Command in the Renewed Covenant, (a.k.a. New Testament), and will discuss in practical ways how to be a DOER of this critical and foundational Commandment; because your future ability to correctly walk with Messiah as His disciple absolutely depends on getting this one right first.

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