Thursday, October 2, 2014

Let No One Deceive You

Any genuine or thriving relationship is a two-way street. Each party of the relationship has certain responsibilities that each one must meet, or the relationship simply does not work. The modern free grace movement has forgotten this CRITICAL concept. The free grace movement would have you to believe that the Almighty Creator will be responsible for EVERYTHING regarding your eternal, spiritual and ultimate well-being. They would have you believe that as Christians we have no real responsibility other than to mentally believe and confess Jesus Christ. They often believe and teach that if a believer tries to "DO" ANYTHING beyond this at all, (even what Scripture plainly tells you to do), then supposedly you are trying to become righteous by your works, and supposedly, you are not operating under YHWH's Grace, if you DO anything. So, is responsibility free grace, true? Ultimately, WHO is responsible to make certain that I know the truth? WHO is responsible for what I believe? WHOSE responsibility is it to make certain that I believe what the Almighty says is true? WHOSE responsibility is it to make certain that I am not deceived or led astray? Whose responsibility is it to make certain that I am persevering in the truth? WHOSE responsibility is it to make certain that I am truly saved?