Saturday, December 21, 2013

Whole Testament Theology Part Seven- In Spirit & Truth

In my early Christian training I was taught to believe that so long as we were sincere, well-meaning and well-intentioned, our Heavenly Father and Creator would happily accept our worship and our offerings, no matter what we brought or how we brought it to Him, as long as you bring it, "In Jesus' Name."

Around four years ago, I was shocked to learn that Yahweh Almighty DOES NOT accept whatever we bring to Him so long as we are 'sincere.' I was astonished to learn that not every service done in the name of Jesus will be accepted by the Father.

I was shocked to learn that there is a distinct and identifiable difference between worshiping Yahweh in spirit and in truth, and worshiping Him in vain. It is critical that we learn and respect the difference.

As people who are supposed to love the creator with all our being, we do not want to go through our entire lives thinking that we have offered faithful and worthwhile worship to the Creator, while the Heavenly Father decides that we have not worship Him at all, because He considers what we offered Him, to be vain and meaningless.

Let us learn to become the kind of worshiper the Father is seeking. Let us learn to worship Him in spirit and truth.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Whole Testament Theology Part Six- Scriptural Authority

Most Christians, churches, ministries and parachurch organizations, who consider themselves Bible believing or evangelical will usually attest to a statement of faith which says that they believe in the absolute inerrancy, the sufficiency, and the doctrinal reliability of ALL Scripture. The problem is, that well-intentioned as people may be, what people often say they believe on paper may or may not physically materialize in the way that they read, interpret and apply the Holy Scriptures.

In part six (6) of our study on the basics of what Whole Testament Theology is, we're going to talk about what we mean when we use the words, "Scriptural Authority." Come. Be challenged right along with us as we pursue becoming better DOERS of Yahweh's Word.