By Brother R. Michel Lankford
What Is Hermeneutics?
In simple words hermeneutics is a term meant to describe the various theories and methods of interpreting a written text. So, Biblical hermeneutics would describe the various theories and methods (the various rules of thumb as it were), for interpreting Scripture or Biblical texts.
There are different schools of thought (in other words different groups disagree) on which particular rules of interpretation should carry more weight when interpreting text, and which rules of interpretation should carry less weight when interpreting biblical text. Which ever rules you use, and how you use them in practical everyday use will make a vast difference on how you see, interpret and practice the Scriptures. That is one reason why different people can look at the same Scriptural text and come up with dramatically different ideas about what Scripture says and means. That's because when you emphasize one rule of interpretation, and God demonstrates by the context of the passage that we should have clearly emphasized a different rule in our interpretation then what we used, then we can cause ourselves to believe that Scripture says something other than what it actually says because of the interpretational filter that we used.
Which ever rules of interpretation one decides to use, the goal and objective should NOT be to influence the outcome but to prevent error.
We Must Elevate Scripture to Its Proper Place
Scripture Must Lead our Understanding, our Own Understanding should NEVER be Allowed to Lead or Twist Our Understanding of Scripture
I'll explain what I mean, using historical science as my example. During the early middle part of the 20th century, the Nazis in Germany believed and practiced eugenics. This was selective breeding, manipulation of the gene pool and extermination of people, based on the theory of Arianism. This is about the theory that the German bloodline was supposedly of Aryan descent, and as a result, people with German blood were supposedly automatically, genetically, mentally, intellectually and physically superior to everyone else, and on that basis, according to them, the human race would be vastly improved if the Germans ruled the world.
That's a simplistic summary, but it's an accurate one. Under that theory, Nazi Germany started aggressive wars, committed countless atrocities and exterminated millions.
In the process, there is a plethora of historical documentation proving that Nazi “scientists” would manipulate and even rig scientific experiments and falsify results in an effort to create supposedly scientific proof of the German Arian theory, even though true science demonstrated the theory to be false.
Basically they started out with the conclusion they wanted and tried to force and manipulate the science and test results to prove them right, even when the true Science clearly did not support it. That's because they had an agenda, and they wanted to create justification to do what they already wanted and planned to do in advance.
I said all that to say this. Although the Nazis were extreme in their abuse of this practice, it is human nature to approach life and its questions with our own preconceived desires ideas and beliefs and then to try to prove ourselves correct and justified in those beliefs. If we are not careful to fight against it, we can actually rig or manipulate our study so that it appears to prove out the conclusions that we already hold dear and believe. Unless we are vigilant to guard against it, biblical students can do the exact same thing.
All Scripture is true when God breathed, but unless we are extremely diligent to rightly divide the Word of Truth, we could find ourselves manipulating the Scriptures, and then try to bend it around the framework that seems to prove our own pet theories and doctrines, even when the rightly divided Scripture does not agree with those conclusions. Scripture should guide us to our conclusions. Our own desires and conclusions should not allow us to manipulate the Scriptures in order to prove what we wish that Scripture said. That's why a good, thorough and balanced system of hermeneutics is so critical, because it creates a system of checks and balances that helps us prevent gross error in Scripture interpretation. There are a lot of systems of interpretation out there, but what follows is the one that I find to be most thorough, balanced and effective.
Basic Rules of Interpretation
We Must Have a Humble and Teachable Attitude in Order to Learn
Be humble enough to remember that you can be deceived. Think about it. Adam and Eve, lived in virtually perfect circumstances (other than the serpent in the garden; Genesis 3:1-6). They enjoyed close Fellowship with God in the cool of the day. They had perfect minds that were not entangled by sin, or suffering or trauma or disease. Yet even with a perfect body and mind, the devil was still able to deceive and manipulate them into sinning against God. If Adam and Eve could be deceived and manipulated with the most perfect circumstances ever experienced by human kind, then how much more susceptible are we to being deceived in the midst of our brokenness? Remember that God blesses the humble with salvation (Psalm 149:4).
What we believe going into Scripture study, will impact in effect what we draw out from Scripture study. Your Eisegesis will always impact your Exegesis.
Your Eisegesis [what you already believe to be true will naturally cause you to read ideas into a particular text.] This will always impact Your Exegesis; [what you "draw out" or conclude from the text.] What we already believe before going into our Scriptural studies will ALWAYS affect (for better or for worse), what we draw out from Scripture, and how we interpret Scriptural information.
All of the Scriptures including the New Testament was first written by Hebrews who were educated and trained in the Hebrew mindset. It was first written in the Hebrew language, not Greek as many suppose. The Hebrew mindset is vastly different from the Greco-Roman Western mindset. The mindset we use when we read the Scriptures will make a difference in how we interpret what we read and what we draw out or conclude from the Scripture. That's why we must have our mind renewed, because we cannot successfully follow God unless we first come into agreement with God (Romans 12:1-2; Romans 8:5-8).
- The Greco-Roman mindset generally filters reality through a polytheistic mindset (The idea that there are supposedly many gods, each fighting for dominance). The goal of this type of believer than becomes to make sure that one does not offend any deity or philosophy, and that all beliefs and ideas have equal place in the pantheon of belief systems. In our world, this polytheistic idea is where we get the notion that Biblical Christianity should compromise to get along with all these other philosophies and religions, even if they are diametrically opposed to each other. That's why you see bumper stickers like, COEXIST. It's the idea that we should all compromise and get along, because supposedly all roads lead to heaven anyway. The big problem with that philosophy is that it's a lie, (Matthew 7:13-14; Proverbs 14:12; Proverbs 16:25; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; 1 Timothy 2:5).
"Trust in the LORD with all your heart And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and turn away from evil."
Proverbs 3:5-7 (NASB)
For example, the supposed deity that the Muslims worship IS NOT the same Almighty God as the One that is described in Holy Scripture. The heart of the two, the interactions of the two and the Commandments and requirements of the two are diametrically opposed to each other. Therefore, Christians and Muslims DO NOT worship the same God. The two cannot Righteously coexist together, because one is the real one and the other is false, period. One tells you to murder your enemies, the other one tells you to love, pray for and forgive them. They are not the same God, but are polytheistic roots are showing when we try to suggest that we should make room for all these false gods and all just get along, which is logistically impossible.
- We can only serve one master faithfully. We cannot serve two masters (Matthew 6:24). As Bible pursuant believers, we are called to believe and obey the one True God who made heaven and earth, the God of Isaac Abraham and Jacob who revealed Himself to Moses; Who sent Jesus Christ, and tells us to behave lovingly toward our enemies, and not to destroy them.
- The Greco-Roman mindset is based predominantly on thoughts and feelings and desires, but the Hebrew mindset functions predominantly on verbs. From the Greco-Roman point of view truth is based on what I can intellectualize and how I feel about it. From the Hebrew mindset, truth is based on who God is, what God says and what He does. From the Hebrew mindset, what you DO, demonstrates where your thoughts really are, and what you do defines who you truly are. From the Greco-Roman mindset, feelings and intellectual thoughts are what define truth.
- The Greco-Roman mindset says, COEXIST with other beliefs and philosophies so that you can engage in philosophical debate, and hopefully intellectually convince people to agree with your point of view. The Hebrew mindset says, on the contrary, let us be so completely separate from mindsets and practices of the ungodly world, that people cannot help but notice the unique difference between us and the sinful world. Throughout the entire testimony of Scripture and history, we see that it is actually the compromising with the sinful ungodly world which repeatedly causes God's people to forsake God and His ways. That is a key factor of what will bring God's wrath upon the world (Romans 1:18-32; ; Ephesians 5:6). That is why we are repeatedly told not to compromise and not to adopt the sinful world's ways of thinking and doing things (Colossians 3:1-6; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; Deuteronomy 12:29-32; Jeremiah 10:1-2; Jude 1:23).
- The thing that is most critical to remember is that the Holy Bible From Genesis to Revelation which the vast majority of mainstream Christianity from almost every denomination claims to believe, support, and uphold was written by Holy Prophets, taught by the Messiah, and defended by the apostles, all of whom were educated, all of whom interpreted, understood and practiced the Scriptures from a strictly Hebrew mindset, and NOT a Greco-Roman polytheistic one. Therefore, if it is truly are sincere goal to understand, to believe and interpret the Scriptures correctly, then we must do our best to understand and filter the Scriptures through the Hebrew mindset of the prophets, the Messiah and the apostles who received and wrote Scriptures in the first place, instead of trying to force a misshapen interpretation of Scripture which more closely fits our own modern multicultural desires. When you twist Scripture in order to interpret it according to modern culture and then give it meaning that it does not truly have, you basically exchanged the truth of God for a lie, which is extremely dangerous (Romans 1:25). This is one of the things that actually brings forth the judgment and wrath of God upon the world (according to Romans chapter 1).
Making every effort to make sure that I am not deceived is MY OWN RESPONSIBILITY.
Over and over again, Scripture warns us to make certain that we as individuals are not deceived, led astray or misled in some fashion. I'm still working through it, but so far I have found at least 43 passages of Scripture which either by example, by implication, or by explicit statement tells the believer not to deceive themselves, and not to allow others to deceive them. (e.g. Matthew 7:15-20; Acts 17:11; Ephesians 5:6; Colossians 2:4; Colossians 2:8; Colossians 2:16; 1 John 3:7;1 John 4:1;1 Thessalonians 5:19-22; just to name a few). So cooperating with God to make certain that I am not deceived is my responsibility. Being deceived is not a free pass. The individual who does the deceiving will be punished by God for leading people astray, but I will still have to pay the consequences of disobeying God if I allow myself to be deceived into disobeying what God has said.
All Scripture is inerrant and infallible, but human understanding, interpretation and applications are not guaranteed to be error free, nor are they guaranteed to be sanctioned and approved by God.
The Bible only remains Scripture when it is read, divided, interpreted and applied correctly. The Holy Bible in the Books of Genesis to Revelation is the inerrant written word of God, but if and when it is NOT correctly read, interpreted, or when it is misapplied or abused, then at that point it then becomes human opinion or a poor commentary on the Scripture, and it is no longer Scripture.
Whenever it is misread, misinterpreted or misapplied, it is then no longer Scripture, because in that case it is no longer true to what God actually said. So it then ceases to be Scripture at that point, and it becomes human opinion or commentary on the Scripture. There is a vast difference.
So in order to remain Scripture, our conclusions and teachings must originate from the books of Genesis to Revelation, and it must also be correctly read, rightly interpreted, correctly divided, and rightly applied in such a way that it would remain true throughout the entire book of Scripture.
When Scripture is rightly divided and obediently applied in the context of being in right relationship with God and Jesus Christ the Messiah, Scripture is completely sufficient to give us true wisdom in every situation, guidance and comfort through every hardship, and ultimate victory in every battle.
Ultimately, it is the refusal to rightly divide and obey God's word that is at the root cause of every human ill and character defect we will ever encounter. Restoration only begins and continues when we hear and believe the truth, when we repent from disobeying God's truth, and when we turn to God, and we begin and continue to walk in agreement with God.
All Scripture from Genesis to Revelation is God's written Word. Since Almighty God created the heavens and the earth and everything in them by speaking His Word (Genesis 1:1-3, 31). He also re-creates our lives when we hear, receive and obey His words. Therefore, we believe that God said what He meant and means what He says. We believe that all Scripture (Old Testament and New Testament) is God breathed, anointed and appointed by God.
Scripture can be known and understood by normal human beings, and the Scriptures are completely sufficient to bring a person into salvation before God (2 Timothy 3:15; James 1:21; cf. Psalm 19:7-14). Since all Scripture is true, and the word of God is everlasting, then it all remains true, everlasting relevant, and directly applicable to the God follower or Christian today.
By God's grace and with practice we can walk as Jesus walked: Since Yeshua the Messiah defeated the temptations of the devil by speaking God's written Word with His mouth, which He was already obeying in His life, (See Matthew 4; Luke 4; cf. Hebrews 4:15). Messiah could have used any means available to Him to defeat the adversary, but He obeyed and spoke the written Scriptures, yes even the Old Testament Scriptures. He did so as our example, so we can do likewise (1 Peter 2:21; 1 John 2:6).
Rightly divided Scripture all fits together and never contradicts itself. If the Scripture appears to contradict itself, then it is our understanding, our interpretation or our own applications which are faulty, and we must keep studying and asking the Holy Spirit to guide us into all truth (John 16:13). Since God does not change, and He does not contradict Himself (2 Timothy 2:13), and since the so-called Old Testament was obviously written first, then no correctly interpreted New Testament doctrine will ever contradict Old Testament teachings, doctrines and Commandments. Again, if it appears to do so, then our interpretations and understanding is faulty, because God does not change.
The Whole Testament is all Scripture and completely sufficient for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the people of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17). Therefore, by the apostle Paul's own statement, if a person throws away, abolishes or disregards the so-called Old Testament (which is the only thing he was referring to when he wrote to Timothy), then that disciple who disregards or abolishes the Commandments Instructions and teachings of the Old Testament, cannot possibly be thoroughly equipped for every good work that God would have them to do. Think about it. Those are Paul's words in the New Testament.
Let the Holy Spirit teach you, even while you are using solid hermeneutics; John 14:26; John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 2:10). So, the Holy Spirit's job is to be our teacher, our job is to pay close attention and to be an excellent student under the Holy Spirit's tutoring. If we ask for the truth we will receive it (Matthew 7:7-11). If we practice obeying the Commandments of God which we already know and understand, then God will give us more revelation and understanding of Himself (John 14:21). So if we sense that we need better revelation and understanding of God and His Word then what we are currently experiencing, then the key is to better and more closely obey what we already know in God's Word first, then God will give us more. If we have been faithful with what knowledge we have, we will be granted more, if not, we won't; (Matthew 13:10-12; Matthew 25:29 Mark 4:21-25; Luke 8:16-18). In fact, not putting the word of God which we know into practice is part of what leads us into self-deception (James 1:19-25).
Words Have Real Meanings Biblical words mean what they meant when God first said it. God gave His Word to real living flesh and blood people. He gave His Word in such a way that was routinely understood by the people to whom God was speaking in that specific time place and circumstance. In human languages words and their meanings change, but God does not change. Therefore, the Bible student who wishes to rightly divide the Word must do his best to understand what the key words and phrases meant when God originally gave His Word. In other words we must not superimposed modern meanings and interpretations to Scripture which the whole context of Scripture does not support. I give this example. When I was growing up in the 70s and 80s, the vernacular phrase, "That's really bad, man," could often mean that something was exceptionally good. Today, the vernacular phrase, "that's totally sick, can mean that something is incredibly shocking and impressive. Those are dramatic examples, but the point is that we cannot superimpose modern vernacular understanding to the scriptural text and remain accurate. When God through Scripture tells us that something is bad, He is truly saying that it is sinful, evil, and the opposite of good. Whenever possible, Scripture should be interpreted as literally as possible, as long as doing so does not violate any other command of Scripture, or the context in which the Scripture was given. Scripture is to be taken literally unless the context clearly shows it to be figurative. Use Scripture to interpret Scripture, not modern culture to interpret Scripture.
Context Is Everything. In order to rightly divide God's Holy Word, we must in all things remain true to the context of the grammatical, historical and cultural use of the phrase when the text was originally given. That's why for example comparing other places in Scripture where the same phrase in wording is used is often essential. You cannot interpret Scripture correctly if you isolate it completely from the language, history, grammar and culture of the time when the Scripture was given.
Remember to use the Weight of Biblical Evidence The Weight of Biblical Evidence Test (Deuteronomy 17:6, 19:15; Matthew 18:16; 2 Corinthians 13:1; 1 Timothy 5:19; Hebrews 10:26-28) Scripture tells us that out of two or three witnesses every truth or fact is established. This test simply means that the more number of biblical writers God used to say the same thing, the stronger and more secure and solid your doctrinal position. Let's take just the principle we're addressing right now for example. God used Moses, Matthew, Jesus, Paul, and the writer of Hebrews to tell us that every fact needs to be established through multiple witnesses. With this many proofs, the weight of biblical evidence clearly supports that facts must be confirmed by two or three witnesses. All Scripture is good and profitable (2 Timothy 3:16-17), you are just less likely to get the wrong idea, or draw the wrong conclusions if you can confirm a particular position from multiple sources and different writers within Scripture.
For just one example, this is why I have come to believe that effective disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ, must also do our best to obey the Commandments and Instructions of Almighty God described in the Old Testament together with the so-called New Testament. It's not necessarily because I prefer it to be that way. It's certainly not because that is the commonly held most popular point of view. It's not because I want to go out of my way to be unpopular and obstinate and different from the commonly held point of view.
The reason that I believe that the effective disciple and follower of Jesus Christ will also do his or her best to obey God’s Commandments and directions of the Old Testament as well as the so-called New Testament, is because the weight of biblical evidence overwhelmingly, clearly demonstrates that position to be the truth:
Almighty God through the Holy Spirit used 40 different writers to write the Scriptures. Of the 40 writers that God used to scribe the Scriptures, a minimum of 38 of them either by example, by implication, or by explicit imperative tell us that the only way we can truly follow God is to hear, receive, follow and obey His Commandments. Of the two remaining writers, the book of Esther does not mention God or His Commandments at all. Only prayer, fasting and deliverance are mentioned. So God's unseen hand is implied, but His Word, and His Commandments are not overtly named.
The only writer that many people use to defend the idea that we can abandon God's Commandments, Laws and Instructions and still be under God's grace is the writings of the apostle Paul. So ultimately we have possibly one (1) writer out of the 40 that APPEARS to say that a disciple can disregard God's Laws, Commandments, and Instructions, and still remain under God's Grace, one biblical writer does not mention God at all, but at least the other 38 writers which Almighty God anointed and used to write the Scriptures clearly tell us that in order to walk correctly before God, we must hear, receive, believe and obey God's Commandments, Laws and Instructions. What's more, the big problem with how Paul is most interpreted and applied today has other problems as well:
- When Paul was accused of teaching contrary to the Laws and Commandments of God given to Moses, Paul himself denies that he taught such conclusions (Acts 24:14-16; Acts 25:7-8; Acts 28:14-17; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; Romans 15:4).
- We DO NOT have a second scriptural witness. There is not a second biblical writer that even remotely appears to teach that in order to receive and live in God's grace, you must now actively disobey God's Laws Commandments and instructions, and you must now do the opposite of what God's Laws Commandments and Instructions require, in order to enter into and continue in God's grace. Now, that's what many people interpret Paul the apostle's teaching to mean. The big problem is that Paul himself wrote that this is not what he meant, AND there is not a second biblical witness that appears to teach grace in the same manner that most people claim Paul taught it.
- So which is more likely? Is it more likely that none of the other 39 of God's anointed biblical writers and prophets understood God's grace and that God used Paul to overwrite and reverse His other 39 anointed writers, or is it more likely that we have misunderstood and misapplied Paul's teachings? Moreover, if the other 39 writers that God used to write the Scriptures were so far mistaken on the issue of grace, then why would Paul praise their writings and claim that all of their Scriptural work was God breathed, anointed by God and profitable for all doctrine, for teaching for correction, and for instruction in righteousness in order to equip God's people for every good work? So which is more likely? Is it more likely that God's 39 anointed writers and prophets were wrong when they said that the way to follow God was to hear, receive, believe and carefully obey God's Commandments and Instructions, or is it more likely that we have misunderstood, misinterpreted and thoroughly misapplied Paul when we take Paul's writings and use them as justifications to do the opposite of what Scripture teaches? Which is more likely to be in error?
Scripture contains some deep insight, but it also speaks plainly. As long as you have made sure to remain contextually accurate, the plain reading and interpretation of Scripture is usually best. Sometimes God can allow you to have deeper understanding and insight into particular things within His Word, but it is critical to understand that any deeper knowledge or understanding you have received from God, will never contradict the plain reading of rightly divided Scripture.
Anyway, I could teach on different aspects and dynamics of Scripture interpretation for years, but these are the basics. If we faithfully observe these basic principles, we are much more likely to eliminate error before it establishes the deep roots of deception within our heart. May Yahweh Almighty God bless you as you seek to hear, to receive, to rightly divide and faithfully obey the Truth, through Yeshua the Messiah.
Brother R. Michael Lankford