Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Messiah's 3rd Commandment

Messiah gave clear directions that we were to go and MAKE disciples. He told us HOW to make disciples; by teaching them how to obey EVERYTHING that He Commanded, (Matthew 28:19-20). 

So, if we do not teach people how to obey EVERYTHING that Messiah Commanded, then we are NOT MAKING successful DISCIPLES, and we are DISOBEYING even the so-called New Testament, which Christians CLAIM to believe. 

The 3rd public commandment Messiah gave in the New Testament was that we are to REJOICE when we are PERSECUTED for following Messiah, (Matthew 5:11-12).

We could study the multiple nuances of this passage for probably weeks and not exhaust every detail, but what struck me was the ORDER and PLACE where this third public commandment of Messiah landed in context.

1. The FIRST Command that Messiah gave in the New Testament was that we should REPENT, (Matthew 4:17); which we know means to CHANGE our mind; to CHANGE our desires, attitudes and intentions; and to CHANGE our actions and way of life; AWAY FROM what Yahweh considers to be SIN; and then to RETURN to YHWH and to HIS Ways. So, if we do not make those life changes, then we did NOT BIBLICALLY really REPENT.

2. The SECOND Command Messiah gave in the New Testament was, "Follow me…" (Matthew 4:19). Now, we know that in order to follow someone we have to come along behind them and walk in the SAME steps that they walked. Messiah DID NOT say, follow church leaders and denominations, or follow your traditions, or follow your own personal preferences. Messiah said, "Follow ME,…"

We know at a MINIMUM,

  • Messiah LOVED Yahweh by OBEYING YHWH, (John 15:10). 
  • Messiah's passion was to DO the FATHER'S will, (John 4:34).
  • Messiah clearly taught KEEPING the Father's Commandments, (e.g. Matthew 5:17-20; Luke 10:25-28;Matthew 19:17).
  • Messiah CONDEMNED LAWLESSNESS, (Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew13:41-42; Matthew 24:12-13).
  • Messiah openly OPPOSED human religious traditions when ever those traditions contradicted or violated YHWH'S Commandments (Matthew 15:1-9; Mark 7:1-13).
  • In summary, Messiah KEPT the Father's Commandments, He honored the Biblical Holy Days, Messiah AVOIDED human religious traditions when those traditions violated a God-given Commandment. Messiah did not mix any customs of pagan worship with the worship of YHWH.

These are the MINIMUMS of how Messiah walked. IF we are going to claim that we FOLLOW the Messiah, and that we ABIDE IN Christ, then we must learn to walk in the Same way as Christ walked, (1 John 2:1-6), because that's what it means to abide in Christ and to follow Christ.

3. Messiah's THIRD public Command is very interesting. It comes at the end of Matthew 5:1-10,which are most commonly labeled as the Beatitudes. This passage basically describes the ATTITUDES in which a truly healthy born-again citizen of YHWH'S Eternal Kingdom walks.

In order to truly possess these qualities, we really do have to grow in our RENEWED nature,because many of these attitudes and responses are not normal or automatic to our basic human nature. So let's face it. In order to successfully be able to  rejoice when we are persecuted for Messiah's sake, we're going to have to develop some genuine growth and maturity in our Born-Again, Eternal Kingdom nature.

I also thought that the placement of his command was interesting. Think about it. His first Commands to REPENT (Matthew 4:17). His second Command is FOLLOW ME, (Matthew 4:19).His third Command He gave us was to REJOICE when we are persecuted for His sake,(Matthew 5:11-12). This concept points out several things that we must not overlook.

a. Very early on Messiah openly warned people that because of the sinful world in which we live,that would mean that really and truly following HIM, was consequently NOT going to be easy. You honestly don't hear that a lot in church anymore. Genuine Christianity;truly biblical Christianity is NOT going to be popular. The sinful idolatrous world is going to hate authentic Christianity. The religious world which loves their religion and their own traditions more than they love God is also going to hate authentic biblical Christianity, just as they did when Messiah was here the first time.

b. If you are not being challenged by the THIRD Commandment which Messiah gave, then you should probably take a serious look at your life, and examine whether or not you are successfully doing the first two commandments in the first place. Seriously, it makes one wonder. If we are not being persecuted for HIS sake, and if we are not having to learn to rejoice in that, then we should probably examine our lives carefully, and also make certain that we have actually REPENTED, and also make certain that we are actually FOLLOWING the Messiah, or did we compromise somewhere we should not be compromising?

As it is written:

“This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil. “For everyone who does evil hates the Light, and doe snot come to the Light for fear that his deeds will be exposed. “But he who practices the truth comes to the Light, so that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God.”” (John 3:19–21, NASB95)

As it is written:
“If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. “If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.” (John 15:18–19, NASB95)

As it is written:

Indeed, all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Timothy 3:12, NASB95)

Look, I don't enjoy being persecuted any more than the next person, but if I'm not really being challenged and persecuted for Messiah's sake, then one has to wonder, am I really repenting successfully, and am I truly following Christ successfully, or have I compromised somewhere that I should not be compromising, in order to get along better with the sinful world? When you water down the gospel in order to make it more popular and acceptable to the sinful world, and to  get along, then are you in reality BETRAYING the gospel in order to be accepted by people? If you truly believe the Scriptures, it does give one pause to wonder, doesn't it?

  • How successful are you at repenting?
  • How successful are you at truly following Messiah?
  • How successful are you at developing an attitude where you are rejoicing when facing opposition and persecution for Messiah's sake?
  • Are you truly able to rejoice when facing opposition or persecution for the sake of obeying Messiah, or are you compromising and watering down when you know you shouldn't in order to get along and make the gospel more popular?

These are all things to keep an eye on while we're trying to grow his disciples.

Closing Prayer

Be blessed. May YHWH greatly increase your desire to live godly in Messiah and Christ. May He fill you exceedingly with His love and courage, so that when you are persecuted for His Sake, you will remain true to YHWH and to the example of Messiah, without failing or without compromising. May you be true to YHWH. May you be true to Messiah. May you be a true child and citizen of the Eternal Kingdom, and may you be unashamed and rejoicing on the Day of Judgment, because of how well YHWH has helped you to endure and to overcome. Amen -

Brother R. Michel Lankford